Review of the Trijicon RMR HD: Next Gen Greatness? Plus bonus review of the Huxwrx Rad 9!

5 months ago

In this video I review the Trijicon RMR HD, the next general RMR dot. This dot has autobrightness, and manual adjustments, a light sensor, top mounted battery, and a multi-reticle system. In a hilarious review I mount it on top of the budget oriented PSA Dagger and add a Rad 9 suppressor to gets the dot. This dot is probably the clearest dot my eyes have ever seen, its a perfect circle in the middle. I really like the big circle for finding the dot and bringing it on target. Probably not the best gun/dot match up do to price but it works! Credit to my buddy for letting me borrow it for this review.

#optics #reddot #psadagger #9mm #glock #handgun #pistol #shooting #concealcarry #everydaycarry #prepper #prepping #2ndamendment #selfdefence #homedefense #pewpew

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