Closing ceremony of Paris 2024 Olympics announces the first Horseman, World War 3, Gog and Magog

4 months ago

The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 is all about the glory of Satan from beginning to end and announces the arrival of his ephemeral reign on earth. The Golden Traveler, the headless angel, the black angel, the phoenix, and the black sun all represent Satan. Ancient Greece, put in the spotlight, represents the rebellion of men against God and embodies Satan’s old dream of uniting all the men of the earth under his only banner, and against God.

This closing ceremony also displays as a central figure the first Horseman of the Apocalypse, the 5 continents represented in the center of the stadium clearly take the form of a horseman holding a spear, to signify that he is going to war.

We also see a horde of characters dressed all in white and who come from heaven and underground, and who are a mix between Aliens and Gog and Magog. These characters represent the devils under the orders of Satan, who as seen in the ceremony are under his command and carry him in triumph, forming a pyramid with him at its top.

The Olympic Games are not mere entertainment, nor are movies, series, and most music videos, but they represent Satan’s propaganda to bring men to their final fall. It has been a long time since Satan diversified his mode of communication and today, it is mainly through the media that he addresses the whole world.

God’s Retribution is about to fall and will badly hurt those who live in carelessness and sin. So be ready and prepare your faith to confront the storm that is coming.

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