Day 22 - KNOWING where our property boundary is

3 months ago

We recently purchased 101 acres of land to homestead for our forever/generational property. At our last property in the city limits, we could stand on the road and see the entire property. With this much land, not so much. Seeing is knowing, and in this video, I share one thing we are doing so that we never lose sight of our survey line.

When getting the land surveyed, we had some choices. Do you want the survey to mark just the corners? Do you want the survey to mark the corners plus any waypoints between the corners? How many waypoints? Do you want the line of sight marked as well? What distance interval is appropriate for marking? Any vegetation in the way? If so, you probably want a shorter interval. No vegetation and wide open spaces? You may not need any line of sight marked at all.

We chose to have all perimeter waypoints marked with survey pins and the line of sight between the waypoints marked every 200' with a flag in the ground and an eye-level ribbon as close to each flag. The result was over 100 flags in the ground.

The flags are great, but they are far from long-lasting. Our surveyor suggested we drive a T Post into the ground at each flag location for a longer-lasting boundary. Brilliant! We eventually want to permanently mark the perimeter with a 5-wire barbed wire fence, but understand that our plate is pretty full, and Rome wasn't built in a day. Driving posts at every flag will be a great way to protect our survey investment while getting a head start on the fence.

We are also in the process of cutting a perimeter trail around the property so we can not only monitor the boundary, but also because it's a lot of fun to have many trail choices for recreation. Painting the posts with high-visibility orange marking paint will make these posts easy to spot through 20-30' of vegetation. And if we can easily see them, we can better monitor the entirety of our investment.


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