Day 32 - Piranha Bar VS. Small Trees

5 months ago

I tried digging with the stock loader bucket on the tractor and didn't get great results. It's possible, but starting is the hardest part with the stock bucket. I also wanted something that would "hold on" to the trees better so I could utilize hydraulics to remove the smaller stuff instead of a chainsaw, pole saw, and stump grinder.

My research led me to the Piranha bar. The internet claims it's a "game changer" for a tractor loader bucket, so I bought one. Yup, it's a game-changer for sure. I've used it for around 10 hours now, and I'm really glad I bought it.

Digging is really easy with it. Move it the same way you would use a normal shovel with your foot: push it down, wiggle it front to back, push it down again if needed, rotate the forward end up, and lift it. It's the same motion as a normal shovel. With the bar installed, starting a hole is incredibly easy.

But the main reason I got it was for smaller trees. I've seen several videos of people using it to clear trees, and I thought it would be a good investment for our property. It was a GREAT investment. I've found that the smaller 1" or so saplings are easy to go low and drive forward, spearing or wedging the base of the trunk between two teeth, and just drive forward.

For 2-4" diameter trees, I've found the best method is to start higher and use the bucket to lay the tree flat. This usually pops the roots up in front. Then, back up, level the bucket, spear the roots with the tooth bar, and drive forward. Once you have the bar piercing the roots, the forward movement of the entire tractor is much more effective at uprooting than the bucket's lifting and/or curling motion. For reference, this tractor is the Bad Boy 4035h, which has a loader lifting capacity of 2,200 lbs and a loader breakout force of 3,660 lbs.


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