Judaism, The Project For World Domination, A Documentary By Hervé Ryssen

4 months ago

Banned French Documentary (French w/ Eng Subs)

“Judaism is first and foremost a political project; a political project of world unification. The goal is to achieve peace (shalom) on this earth, which must be absolute, universal, and definitive. To achieve this, we must eliminate all sources of conflict, all differences between men, namely: races, nations, religions, social classes (Marxism), and even, as long as gender differences. When everything is destroyed, when nothing remains of traditional societies and civilizations, the Jews will remain, who will then be recognized by all as the chosen people of God. The long awaited messiah can finally arrive; at least that's what they believe. The prophecies you are about to listen to are the prophecies that Jews have been repeating at regular intervals for 3,000 years, absolutely certain that 'this time is the right one', and just before they are kicked out of the country from which they speak”

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