Olga perez guardian fin. Abuses son. In cook county Illinois.

5 days ago

In this videos Olga Perez she’s screaming and mistreating him and telling him she is going to put locks in bathroom so he can’t use it. She usually blocks him from using it. By running in the bathroom when she sees it hears him about to use. And hides the toilet paper so he has none to use then lies and says he soiled himself. She then tells him to wipe himself with his hands. Sick and disgusting psychopathic predatory coercive controller abuser. Then tells son he can’t use electricity even though she steals his check and money and he pays his share of rent. She then covers up outlets. With plastic blockers covers. And duct tape to prevent or make it hard for him to use them. Since he has a leg injury. The only condition he has is a leg injury. Which she hits him on legs ti lake worse. And stresses him since doctor told her stress makes her dons condition worse. So she fights and argues and terrorizes son every day and stresses him to get. Son sick and cover. Up the fact she was doing it. Like “Fillacide.” She says it herself on other videos. Only thing is sons leg injury serious and could be deadly for son if she continues to hit him and hit him with stick. And continues to abuse and terrorize him physically and verbally and emotionally. The stress can cause deadly consequences for son. And she knows it. It’s with knowledge and intent. She then states in video series. She going to lock door and gate outside so no one brings son food. And no one can order food to be delivered. And if son goes outside she will lock door and lock him out. That’s a guardianship in cook county Illinois.
ALSO SEE REST OF ABUSE. My name is Alexander Perez. 
After my mother Olga Perez lied and falsified statements and reports and commits  perjury in cook county Illinois courts and probate court. And continues to state she is going to continue to lie and falsify. To discredit me and cover up crimes and abuse she did and does to me and a hit and run she did in front of police camera. And defrauding the SSDI by lying about me. I only have a medical leg injury. steals my SSDI CHECK and money. And  tried transferring the title to my property to her name. So she can steal thousands of dollars. And I reported it to all and to courts in cook county Illinois and judge McCarthy who heard the case Daley Center room 1810.  And to the Chicago police and it’s on body camera. They refused to look at the injury she gave me by hitting me with a stick on my injured leg which is a prexisting medical condition injury. Which I have disability for. And she steals the money from ssdi. And they did not charge nor arrest her. And they are required to look at my injuries. And they said they had no time to see video. By actions. Also reported to cook county states attorney offices. All notified by phone. Phone voice mail. Emails. Videos sent which I have hundreds of her abuse to me physical and verbal and emotional. Which is against the law and against the oath and requirements a guardian accepts to be one a guardian and the bind they place. To care and account for the well being of person under guardianship in a positive and good way. and no one will investigate her nor remove her as my guardian fin and allow me to released from it that is a false guardianship I don’t need. I am of sound mind and body. They talk to them and call them on personal phones prior to court they said to judge and guardian ad Litum Damon Dusett who threatened me and talked to me only 2or3 times and said he dies what he wants if I don’t stay quiet HE AND THEY will make it worse and forensics psychologists who they said paid off. They call them on personal phones and office To get them to do what they want against me in court and  in a predetermined quid pro quo. Including  connections they have at northwestern hospital to get things done in a predetermined manner. which is not my hospital by the way nor the nearest hospital where they are supposed to  take a person or me if needed. If not it should be my preference if I’m awake. Which I was. And connections they have with a cook county states attorney supervisor. Who facilitates things for them. In quid pro quo. And gets things done against me without interviewing me nor fact checking nor due process. Nor court approval. With me having a real get to an attorney and right ti defend myself and face my accuser and court transcripts. How they violate the laws and constitution and my civil liberties and rights. And I have notified cook county Illinois court and to and states attorney to release me from false guardianship I don’t need. In writing and emails and phone calls and voice mails. And Remove my mother which I always refused as my guardian fin. Which I stated I did not need one. and told them she abuses me and they still had made her my guardian fin. And still have not removed when I notified them again after I was in guardianship. And notified them   Again in writing and emails and phone calls   And voice mails. These past weeks. August 2024. And or. To allow me to chose who I want as my guardian fin. which is what Illinois law says is the law and my right. and that my choice is first choice. I reported to all courts cook county and cook county probate courts and Chicago police and cook county states attorney and everyone. That my mother Olga perez is injuring me and stating she going to descredit me and falsify everything’s. And that her and my cousin Maribel Bunin who lives out of state and does all these falsification across  state lines. And says she and my mother Olga Perez have connections with them all and call them to prearrange outcomes they want. How is this possible they have personal phone numbers and call them in violation of Illinois law end ethics law. IN ADVANCE. NO DUE PROCESS. NO REAL DUE PROCESS. NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. AND EVERYONE MAKING MONEY BY KEEPING PEOPLE IN GUARDIANSHIPS. I am a USA citizen. And I am curved into a guardianship in the cook county courts of Illinois. And the law znd the guardianship laws and oath and bond a guardian puts and training they get states reassured the guardian act in my positive best interests and provide only for my positive well being. The rights letter I got from the Illinois guardianship deoartment agency stated it. Yet I am being left in complete darkness weeks at a time. Like the movie “silence of the lambs.” In   Captivity. Not allowed to talk nor speak one word. nor watch tv. Weeks at a time. Not fed properly. Only one time a day. NOT ALLOWED to communicate with people the way I want. On COLD DAYS She turns on fans and leaves ALL DOORS WINDOWS OPEN 24 hours a day and fans on to get me sick she said so she can send me to the hospital ( northwestern hospital  specifically to use their connection to get outcomes they want with psychologists there  to discredit and without NO WRITTEN OBJECTIVE TESTS.) she turns off hot water. And I get frozen water boarding shower. and am abused and hit and punished and terrorized by Olga Perez my mother In sadistic various ways. She is a predatory coercive controller. Which are sadistic psychopaths with dark personalities who MASK and hide their sadistic psychopathic side in public and only show to victim. And then enjoy being able to have the power to be sadistic and abuse  and hurt a victim at will. And get away with it znd try to deceive everybody then make fun of them. The ones who they trick into believing them. Like my mother and cousin Maribel in front of me and on phone laugh and make fun of police officers and judges people who believe the lies they say about me. They call them fools. And they idiots believed me when I start faking and acting like they need help. It’s Like in silence of the lambs or other examples. Have videos of her OLGA PEREZ and words and abuse and terrorizing and lying. Sometimes she steals my cord or takes my property so I might be able to call right back. She said she’s going to turn off my phone. My mother Olga Perez also steals my USA mail. I have NOT MAIL IN YEARS. Imagine what other citizens are going thru. There’s other people in my mom’s side of the family forced to be in guardianships. It’s an abuse and fraud and scams thier are running. Using to cover up other crimes and discredit victims. I don’t know why they don’t investigate or charge them. Or investigate what’s going on in guardianships in cook county Illinois. Especially with video proof. And pictures. And witnesses and life threatening injuries done to me. Is it they don’t want the bad attention. Or timing of year. PLEASE INVESTIGATE. LOOK AT INCREASE IN GUARDIANSHIPS. LOOK INTO CALLING ATTORNEYS IN CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS WHO DEFEND AND REPRESENT VICTIMS TRYING TO GET OUT OF A GUARDIANSHIP IN COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS.    CALL AS MANY ATTORNEYS AS YOU CAN. IN CHICAGO ZND COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS USA.     ESPECIALLY ONES WHO DO GUARDIANSHIPS  OR PROBATE COURT. TELL THEM YOUR  IN AN FORCED ABUSIVE GUARDIANSHIP IN COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS. AND WANT TO GET OUT OF GUARDIANSHIP AND IF THEY  WILL REPRESENT YOU. AND LOOK AT HOW MANY LIST DEFENSE OF VICTIM IN GUARDIANSHIP  OR TO GET OUT OF GUARDIANSHIP. OR AN ABUSIVE ONE. ASK THE ALLEGED LARGE FIRMS THAT DO PROBONO WORK AND CIVIL LIBERTIES WORK IF THEY WILL REPRESENT   YOU TO GET OUT OF FORCED OR ABUSIVE  OR BOTH GUARDIANSHIP. AND LOOK AT MONEY AND JOBS BEING MADE OR KEPT BY FORCING  PEOPLE INTO GUARDIANSHIP. AND. ALL THE PEOPLE MAKING MONEY. IN COZY PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH SAME PRIVATE ATTORNEYS AND FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGISTS. WHO GET REPEAT REFERRALS AND BUSINESS FROM COURT. AND JUDGES. AND SAME GUARDIAN AD LITUMS WHO ACT LIKE FACILITATORS OR BAGMEN WITH ALL THESE. LIKE DAMON DUSETT IK COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS  APPOINTED TO ACT  IN MY BEST INTEREST REPORT TO COURT WHAT I REQUEST OR WANT. AND INSTEAD LIED AND PERJURED HIMSELF. RELAYED NOTHING ABOUT WHAT I REQUESTED. THEN THREATENED ME. AND WOULD HAVE BAD THINGS DONE TO ME. AND WOULD MAKE IT WORSE IF I SAID ANYTHING. AND THAT DECISION WAS ALREADY MADE MONTHS BEFORE MY  COURT APPEARANCE TO PUT ME IN GUARDIANSHIP WITH MY MOTHER. OLGA PEREZ. WITHOUT DUE PROCESS. WITHOUT COURT. WITHOUT JURY. AGAINST LAWS AND CONSTITUTION. ALL MAKING MONEY IN WINK OF EYE COZY RELATIONSHIPS. THE COURTS JUDGES JOBS AND PRIVATE ATTORNEYS AND GUARDIAN AD LITUMS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS AND CONSULTANT PSYCHOLOGISTS AND FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGISTS. MAKING MONEY AND BEING PAID OFF AND ON THE SIDE. BY ILLEGALLY COMMUNICATING WITH PERSONS  OR FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ARE TRYING TO GET SOMEONE INTO A GUARDIANSHIP PRIOR TO COURT. ENTER IN QUID PRO QUOS. TO. ACHIEVE OUTCOME THEY WANT TO PUT SOMEONE IN GUARDIANSHIP. AND TO DISCREDIT PERSON OR VICTIM. AND ABUSE  THEM PHYSICALLY VERBALLY AND EMOTIONALLY. OR TO MAKE MONEY BY STEALING OR CONTROLLING THIER SSDI CHECK OR MONEY AND NOT PROVIDING FOR THEM. NOR FEEDING THEM.  OR STEALING THIER PROPERTY. TRANSFERRING THE VICTIMS PROPERTY TITLE TO THIER OWN NAME. OR BECAUSE THEY HAVE A PREDATORY SADISTIC COERCIVE CONTROLLING PERSONALITY OR DISORDER.  THEY JUST ENJOY BEING CONTROLLING AND SADISTIC AND GETTNG AWAY WITH IT.    Britney Spears case has nothing in what they are doing. In cook county probate guardian courts. And cook county Illinois. By the way I read that the place with most psychologists.

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