Jimi Hendrix - Wind Cries Mary

4 months ago

"... Cool Metaphysics is beyond the scope of social media. Hell, this state of being is beyond 98.6% of humanity. The focus we must impart to the populace at large should be on Cool Empiricism, which applies to the physical world. Something within humanity's grasp. The journey toward Cool Metaphysics is a 'lesson that cannot be taught' empirically. It is something the disciple must discover for themselves, as they attune to the Musica Universalis...(tr. The Music of The Spheres)."

Don Roberto Cervantes, c. 2017 A.D.
From Philosophy 3320: Cool Metaphysics lecture notes,
Professor Emeritus of Chivalric Studies,
The University of Cool.

In devoted memory of my fellow Traveler, Sir Jimi Hendrix, Alumnus Metaphysicus, The University of Cool, School of Musicology.

"My Brother, I like my mashed potatoes with the skin on them myself." Sincerely, Don Roberto Cervantes.

Godspeed Sir Jimi.

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