Reevaluating the Idea of “Having a Bad Day” - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

October 17 - Reevaluating the Idea of “Having a Bad Day” - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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“Bad days” are a precious gift you offer yourself. Many times the primary way to truly see and realize what is keeping you from the peace of mind and joy you desire is, to experience the thoughts, actions, and reactions you are supporting that are not supporting you. When such thoughts, actions, reactions, occur, the ego has you define such a day as bad. Yet can obtaining clarity in what is separating you from the life you desire, can that truly be bad? If what the ego defines and programs us to perceive as bad is actually assisting us in becoming who we desire to be, is that bad or is that a gift we are offering ourselves? Should we be judging or blaming ourselves and others for creating or being part of such days, or should we be offering gratitude to ourselves and others for having the courage to walk through the darkness in order to better understand our light? Next time the ego insist we are having a “bad day,” instead let us remember the true gift it is, and from deep within our hearts offer love and gratitude to all who are being part of a process that is helping us realize and define the life we truly desire.
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