From Genesis to Now (Part 2): God's Chosen People | The Israelites

5 months ago

If you’ve been following my From Genesis Now series, in Part 1 we explored the origins of paganism, focusing on the polytheistic beliefs in a father god, mother god, and son of god. We traced its beginnings and how these beliefs spread across ancient civilizations.

In this video, we dive deep into the history of the Hebrews, also known as the children of Israel. You’ll learn about their covenant with God, how they received the 10 Commandments, and the Law of Moses.

Our primary source today is the Bible, from Genesis to Numbers. Understanding the journey of Israel is essential to seeing the truth about Christianity and its roots. So, if you’re ready to uncover more about how religion has shaped our world, watch now! Don’t forget to subscribe for more insights into this unfolding biblical history.
Thank you for watching, and may this video bring you closer to the truth. ✨

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