6 months ago

Do you remember when African Stream reposted a video earlier this year of Dr. Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) telling a class of US university graduates that Black faces in high places are not going to save us?

'Just look at the Black woman's hand, ambassador at the UN, voting against a ceasefire in Gaza.' Benjamin was talking about US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield. And, boy, did the ambassador prove Benjamin right once again.

At a recent event held by the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Thomas-Greenfield said Palestine does not qualify for statehood at the United Nations. Her job as US ambassador is to uphold and defend US imperial interests worldwide, which includes protecting its ally, Israel, as it continues its 76-year occupation of Palestine. As Benjamin made clear, the Blackness and womanness of a US civil servant do nothing to change the reality of her role.

As for the Palestinian state, it is recognised by more than 75 per cent of UN member states, with the majority being African, Asian and Latin American countries. In 2024, Spain, Ireland, and Norway became the first European countries to recognise Palestine's statehood. In June of this year, experts at the United Nations insisted that every UN member should formally recognise Palestine.

Might the United States of America end up as the last country on earth, besides Israel, to recognise the Palestinian state? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Video credit: @cfr_org

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