Science Fiction Writer 'Predicted' The Future in 1982...

5 days ago

Dr. Isaac Asimov was a prolific science fiction author, biochemist, and professor. This was recorded in 1982. Asimov was best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science essays. Born in Russia in 1920 and brought to the United States by his family as a young child, he went on to become one of the most influential figures in the world of speculative fiction.
Like many futurists and speculative authors, Asimov's predictions were a mix of hits and misses.
Hits: He anticipated the rise of computer networks and something resembling the internet. He also foresaw the idea of robotic assistants and many issues that would arise with automation and the changing nature of work.
Misses: Some of Asimov's predictions, like many other futurists', were either too optimistic in terms of timeframes or overestimated certain societal shifts.
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