Understanding the Acts of Frustration and Anger - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

5 months ago

October 9 - Understanding the Acts of Frustration and Anger - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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When we act with frustration or anger toward self or another, what the ego is trying to do is separate us from each other. We are all One. But if the ego can convince us that we are separate from each other, then it can also make us think that we are separate from God. The ego tries to convince us that if we experience and express judgment, frustration and anger, then we obviously cannot be a part of our perfect, all-loving Source. If we feel separate from God, then the ego knows that we will look to it for safety and support. If we feel separate from others, then the ego can convince us that we can judge them without hurting ourself. Judgment is the ego’s main fuel source. This is why it needs to convince us that it is safe to judge others. Knowing this, let us look for a better way of co-existing with each other.

Today, let us practice going from a mindset where the ego’s programs are in control to one where our loving eternal essence is back in the driver’s seat. Judging self and others, frustration and anger are a few signs that show us that the ego’s mindset is controlling our thinking. A few signs that show us that we are back in control are gratitude, forgiveness and trust in the Divine. First, let us be grateful to others for offering us the opportunities to practice letting go of the ego’s programs. Second, let us forgive them for whatever we had been programmed to think they did to us. Third, let us place our trust in God’s plan, in the Divine design. We can do so knowing that God is Love and will use all of our experiences to help us grow, heal and awaken to our eternal loving essence and nature.
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