2A - Finishing a thought - does language falsify reality?

4 months ago

I watched myself talking about scepticism (episode 2) and realised I had not completed a thought about how postmodernism moved from Lyotard describing the inadequacy of language to conceptualise when giving an account of reality, to asserting (in language) that language falsifies reality - the implication being contact with reality must be intuitional or through the experience of living.

However, can you spot the incoherence - you use language to tell me that language falsifies or is inadequate, so why on earth should I pay the least bit attention to you? I wanted to complete the thought that you can see how some have wanted to use this nevertheless valuable insight to provide an justification for rejecting any kind of normative ethical principles, i.e., live like you want with no restraints you metanarrative peddling tyrant that tries to tell me how to behave! You see, there is philosophical justification lurking behind every expression of moral depravity!

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