"Move the Fuck Outta My Way!" (Uploaded March 2023)

4 months ago

APS workers arrive to check on Andrew's mother but Andrew intercepts them and attempts to make their visit about himself. When he doesn't get his way, he bursts from the door and runs down the street with his dog, Tucker (who isn't on a leash.)

Other notes:
12 minutes - Tom discusses Andrew's bad behavior with the APS workers, including that Andrew has been destroying his diapers and defecating and urinating around the house.
18:50 - Andrew reappears.
19:39 – Tom describes a time when Andrew stole "seven or eight hundred" dollars to get a Lyft to run away.
22:05 – Tom states that the family are too afraid to sleep at night because of Andrew.

Original title: officer Kraft tells aps I need help and I don't have capacity according to hos
Recorded at an unknown date between October 2022 – March 2023.
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: March 23, 2023

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