YouTube Drama Heats Up: J Blackman Caught in the Crossfire Between Matt Taylor and Trolls.

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The ongoing saga between Matt Taylor and his online critics has taken another dramatic turn with the latest exchange between Taylor and a YouTube user named J Blackman. What began as a comment in Taylor’s chatroom has escalated into a full-blown confrontation involving some of the most notorious figures in the YouTube trolling community.

It all started when J Blackman claimed he was seeking out prominent YouTube trolls to gather information about Taylor. After initially name-dropping Danny Jones, a known purveyor of false narratives about Taylor, Blackman continued to dig deeper. In a recent comment on Taylor’s YouTube channel, Blackman wrote:

“Matt, I c y out me in your newspaper. I've got the lowdown on you now and I will wait until you're live so we can talk about it. You left some things out.”

The comment seemed to suggest that Blackman had uncovered some supposed new revelations about Taylor’s past, likely fed to him by unreliable sources. He went on to state, “I'm just going to tell you wat I have been told nothing else,” making it clear that he wasn’t interested in verifying the truth, but merely parroting what others had told him.

The Trolls in Question: Danny Jones and AJ.

Taylor, determined to hear what had been said about him, quickly went live on his channel, hoping to confront Blackman and get to the bottom of the matter. But Blackman, who claimed to be busy, could only give partial attention to the exchange, saying he wouldn’t be available until after 7 pm. Then came a comment that left Taylor deeply unsettled:

“Matt, AJ told me some interesting things about you as well, so what time is best for you?”

For those unfamiliar, AJ is a notorious YouTube troll with a reputation even worse than Danny Jones. AJ has a long history of harassment and slander against Taylor, having been instrumental in spreading false accusations, contacting Taylor’s local pub to defame him, and engaging in cyber-stalking that pushed the boundaries of legality. Knowing that Blackman was not only getting information from Danny Jones but also from AJ set alarm bells ringing for Taylor.

AJ’s Toxic Influence: A History of Harassment.

Taylor’s disdain for AJ is no secret. AJ has been a thorn in Taylor’s side for years, going to extraordinary lengths to damage his reputation and disrupt his life. At one point, AJ called Taylor’s local pub, branding him a paedophile — an accusation with no basis in fact, but one that can have severe real-world consequences. Such harassment led to Taylor openly stating he would not hesitate to physically confront AJ if they ever crossed paths in person.

Adding fuel to the fire, AJ posted a disturbing message on YouTube around the same time Blackman was talking to Taylor. The message read:

“Kaley's latest buddy that's using the account name, ‘It’s Only YouTube’. Justin is also friends with paedophiles such as Matt Taylor and Rick Berry. Justin has a very unhealthy interest in little boys. Justin likes telling little boys to get naked so that he can perve on them.”

This vile comment is not just defamatory; it’s emblematic of the kind of hate-fueled rhetoric that has plagued Taylor for years. To hear that J Blackman, who initially seemed to want a civil dialogue, is now engaging with such toxic figures has pushed Taylor to his limit.

Matt Taylor’s Response: “Fook Off!”

In a moment of frustration and anger, Taylor’s response was direct and to the point: “Fook off.” His sentiment was clear — Blackman can believe what he wants, but anyone who relies on the words of AJ, a convicted animal abuser and a proven liar, isn’t someone worth engaging with.

Taylor made it plain that by choosing to entertain the words of Danny Jones and AJ, Blackman had crossed a line. The situation had shifted from a possible dialogue to a complete breakdown of communication. As Taylor sees it, Blackman has aligned himself with individuals whose sole purpose is to ruin reputations and spread falsehoods.

The Fallout: Where Does This Leave Matt Taylor?

For Taylor, this incident is yet another reminder of the lengths some people will go to distort the truth. While he’s always been open to discussing criticism and even addressing concerns live on his channel, he draws the line at engaging with people who are actively spreading dangerous lies about him.

The involvement of figures like Danny Jones and AJ, both of whom have proven themselves to be deeply dishonest and malicious, has only cemented Taylor’s stance that Blackman is no longer acting in good faith. It’s not just about correcting misinformation anymore — it’s about protecting himself from a targeted smear campaign.

Conclusion: A Toxic Turn in the Tale

What started as a seemingly minor interaction has exploded into a full-blown confrontation, with J Blackman caught in the middle of a war of words between Matt Taylor and some of his most vocal detractors. By choosing to align himself with Danny Jones and AJ, Blackman has burned any bridges for a productive dialogue.

This incident highlights the toxic underbelly of the YouTube community, where trolls like AJ and Danny Jones thrive by feeding on controversy and spreading hatred. It’s a stark reminder that not everyone who claims to be seeking the truth is interested in finding it. And for Taylor, the message is clear: if you’re getting your information from liars and trolls, then there’s no room for conversation.

As Taylor put it: “Fook off.” Enough is enough.

YouTube Drama Heats Up: J Blackman Caught in the Crossfire Between Matt Taylor and Trolls.

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