Plants vs Zombies 2 - Plant Nursery - Electric Peel - September 2024

5 months ago

50 Electric Peel seeds are awarded for completing this event consisting of five (5) levels.

Plant of the Week - Electric Peel - was offered between September 27, 2024 through September 29, 2024.

Electric Peel is a member of the Fila-Mint family.
Electric Peel costs 125 Sun. (-25 Sun at level 6.)
Electric Peel can be planted on land or water tiles.
Electric Peel deals 30 damage when on land. (+20 damage on levels 2-4, +30 damage on levels 5-10.)
Electric Peel deals an extra 35 damage when on water.
When given plant food, Electric Peel deals 1,000 damage. (+100 damage per level.)
Electric Peel's peel travels four (4) tiles before returning.

This plant is a merge between Bloomerang's projectile return ability and SeaFlora's ability to be planted on water or land.

Bottom Line:
With a range of four (4) tiles, one is not quite sure what to do with Electric Peel. It's range is too short to be placed on the back line. It's more of a “long range melee” plant. We know, it sounds strange to say it. It wants to be placed behind melee plants like Bonk Choy and Snapdragon. But doing so limits the effectiveness of Electric Peel.

We just find that there are simply better options. Lowly Peashooter can be effective with a cheaper cost and longer range. While Electric Peel does more damage while on a water tile, even water levels have Low Tide which would weaken this plant.

We like having options. The problem is this plant simply isn't doesn't specialize in anything which would make one want to seriously consider playing it.

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