Ruger's Security 380 - More Pleasant Than Eating a Homegrown Tomato!

5 months ago

Lewis Grizzard once wrote "It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." Well, that's kind of how I felt shooting Ruger's Security 380! The gun is incredibly pleasant to shoot. It has very little recoil or muzzle flip and racking the gun is 3 steps beyond easy.

In this video, we'll take an in-depth look at Ruger's Security 380 ACP, we'll discuss the uses of this gun and who this gun is "made for". We'll examine if it really is a good option for people with compromised hand strength. We'll also do a brief comparison with the Smith and Wesson M & P 380 Shield EZ.

Finally, we'll take it out to the range and see how it shoots.

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