Emergency message from Artifactsofmars possible Jihadist activity in Rochester NY

7 days ago

I was leaving the large factory in west Rochester September 27, 2024 when I heard what I am certain were Muslim prayers coming from an open area, field or parking lot. It was about 10:35. The sound volume was too low for me to record. I have heard the same thing when I was in Naval Station San Diego and Muslim prayers could be heard coming from Saudi ships anchored there.
While there is no way to prove ill intent, the very fact that this was happening in an open area, parking lot or field, makes it highly suspect that these could be Jihadists. Rochester is already a cesspool of murderers, looters and car thieves. I would have no problem seeing car thieves hanged. After all, they used to hang horse thieves.
Rochester residents need to be on the lookout for possible Jihadist activity.

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