Saturday Studies Daniel 7 9-28-2024

4 months ago

Daniel 7 deals with Daniel's vision of the four Gentile Empires that will rule the world during the times of the Gentiles, until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to set up His own Kingdom.
Daniel saw the same four empires that Nebuchadnezzar had seen in chapter 2, but Daniel described them as beasts. They represent Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
Daniel asks for explanation about the fourth beast, which was so dreadful that he couldn't compare it with an animal beast.
The information he was given represents some of the characteristics of the antichrist's one-world system that will be in power during the Tribulation Period.
But the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) will bring judgment upon the last Gentile Empire and the Lord will set up His own Kingdom.

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