Memories, 2019 Homeless Ministry.

4 months ago

Early 2019~
This clip was the beginning of a yearlong outreach to the homeless in Houston, TX. Beautiful memories, beautiful testimonies of God's Amazing Grace throughout that year. We had a man ask where the local police station was so he could turn himself in and get right with God, wished you could see the conviction on him when he asked us this. We had people who were suffering with hearing voices, and testified of that stopping and asked to share over the mic how Jesus set them free. We saw people get off the streets and into housing, we saw people deleiverd from addictions, we saw hearts healed, we saw hearts converted. What a beautiful, powerful Savior, Jesus Christ who we serve!
There is none like Jesus Christ! Love Him, Serve Him! He who The Son sets free, is free indeed! Has He set you free? Did you get the Memo? Jesus Christ has overcome the world! The enemy has been defeated! Go, Preach the Kingdom of God!

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