Bret Weinstein: Vaccines not safe

5 months ago

"I am now not compelled that the system that has the current batch of vaccines and certainly the vaccines that are being designed, basically a refresh based on the mRNA platform, that cannot possibly be safe enough to contemplate. So my sense is, and I used to say this about television, I say it's not the box, it's the business model a television. You can have a documentary about nature. You can have science programming. There's lots of good stuff that can come through your TV. It becomes dangerous when the business model causes it to parasitize you. Same can be said for social media. And what I'm now coming to understand is that the mechanisms that are employed by vaccine manufacturers and the methods used to test or really to obscure safety signals make the products invalid from the get-go. At the beginning of the pandemic, I did not really know what an adjuvant was. At the moment I discovered that we were using a trick to hyper-activate the immune system in order to make the vaccine work, my thought was, how could that possibly be safe? And what does it have to do with all of the allergies that we scratch our heads over? Right. It doesn't make sense that a hundred... You're inciting the immune system, the body of toxins, you know, into inflammation. I mean, where inflammation is the bad guy, this product is designed to cause inflammation in order to work. In a totally nonspecific way. And what's more, so let's take the aluminum that is currently the favorite adjuvant. If you're going to inject somebody with aluminum to hyper activate their immune system in order to respond to an antigen that you've put in a shot that it won't respond to under ordinary circumstances. There should be a long list of instructions that come with that. Here are the things that you should avoid eating for the next two weeks or a month. Here are the seasons in which we are not going to give you this shot because ragweed is blooming. I don't know what the instructions would be exactly, but there would be instructions about how to minimize the likelihood of triggering the immune system to react to something that is not a pathogen where you will suffer for the rest of your life for its reactivity. And I've never heard of it."

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