Still James Hind...

5 months ago

Matthew Taylor has taken a firm stance regarding James Hind’s attempt to distance himself from the name he once used so prominently online. Despite Hind’s insistence that the “James Hind” name was a brand that was officially retired in December 2023 and replaced by “Project Night Watch,” Taylor remains adamant that he will continue to refer to the individual behind these various pseudonyms as James Hind. This decision is based on more than just semantics-it is a stand against Hind’s continued efforts to evade responsibility for his actions by hiding behind a shifting array of aliases and identities.

The James Hind Persona: A Convenient Shield.

The argument that the “James Hind” name was merely a temporary brand is, in Taylor’s view, a flimsy attempt to disassociate from the reputation and history tied to that name. For years, James Hind operated under this identity, using it to conduct a sustained campaign of harassment, smear, and misinformation against Taylor and others. To suggest that the name can be simply discarded as if it were a pair of old shoes, with all its baggage and connotations erased, is not only disingenuous but an insult to those who were targeted by the person behind it.

James Hind, whether operating under “Project Night Watch” or “Mordred,” is still the same individual, and changing the label does not alter the identity of the man behind it. Taylor sees this as a transparent tactic-an attempt to muddy the waters and sow confusion so that the history attached to the “James Hind” name becomes blurred and harder to track. Taylor, however, is not willing to play along with this game of semantics.

Why Taylor Refuses to Acknowledge the ‘Retirement’ of the Name.

Taylor’s decision to continue using the name James Hind is rooted in both principle and practicality. Hind himself chose to associate his identity with that name for the majority of his online activity, and he cannot simply erase the history that comes with it. To acknowledge the “retirement” would be to legitimise Hind’s attempt to escape accountability. Thus, as far as Taylor is concerned, James Hind is still James Hind-no matter what pseudonym he chooses to hide behind now.

Furthermore, the insistence on referring to Hind by this name is a deliberate response to the anger and irritation it provokes in Hind. Taylor has observed that every mention of “James Hind” is met with disproportionate rage and defensiveness from the person now claiming to represent “Project Night Watch.” This reaction, Taylor believes, is proof that Hind is deeply uncomfortable with the idea that his old identity is still tied to him. By continuing to use the name, Taylor is pushing back against Hind’s narrative and asserting that he will not be complicit in Hind’s attempt to whitewash his past.

The Name James Hind: A Symbol of Accountability.

The history of James Hind’s activities, particularly his harassment of Taylor and others, is inseparable from the name itself. Rebranding as “Project Night Watch” does not erase the actions carried out under the James Hind moniker, nor does it absolve him of the consequences. For Taylor, using the name James Hind is a way of keeping the focus on the person behind the attacks, regardless of the name he chooses to go by today.

Taylor also sees Hind’s insistence on the retirement of the James Hind name as an extension of his broader pattern of evasion and obfuscation. Just as he tries to shift blame and reframe narratives, Hind is now attempting to rebrand himself out of accountability. If Taylor were to adopt the new name, it would be a tacit endorsement of this tactic-a concession that Hind can shed his identity whenever it becomes inconvenient.

A Warning Against Further Disguise.

Taylor’s approach serves as a warning to others as well. Hind’s attempt to rebrand under different names-whether “Project Night Watch” or “Mordred”-is a tactic that could be used by others seeking to escape scrutiny. If someone can discard their online persona whenever it becomes associated with problematic behaviour, it sets a dangerous precedent for how accountability is enforced in online communities. Taylor’s refusal to accept this rebranding is his way of saying that individuals should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of how many layers of anonymity they try to cloak themselves in.

In Conclusion: James Hind by Any Other Name is Still James Hind.

For Matthew Taylor, the decision to continue referring to the person behind Project Night Watch as James Hind is a matter of both clarity and defiance. He will not participate in Hind’s attempt to rewrite history and will continue to call him out using the name that was once proudly claimed and is now desperately disowned. The more Hind reacts angrily to the mention of “James Hind,” the clearer it becomes that Taylor’s choice is hitting a nerve. As far as Taylor is concerned, James Hind is - and always will be - James Hind. No amount of rebranding, alias-switching, or strategic “retirements” can change that fact.

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