International Public Notice: The Templars, Armoricans, and Albigensians By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5035 Video - International Public Notice: The Templars, Armoricans, and Albigensians - Friday, September 27, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are confused about the Templars, but there is nothing so mysterious about them. They were mercenaries. They still are. They began their more obvious activities in the modern world after the official Fall of Rome and with respect to that event, filled a role similar to Air America in Vietnam --- smuggling, racketeering, selling "protection" and transportation services --- exactly what you would expect from quasi-military mercenary groups that spring up around all and any conflicts.

The Templars settled in as protectors of trade routes and, on the flip side, brigands blocking trade routes. They exacted steep charges for their protection of travelers and caravans moving both east and west and held a monopoly on such "services" for generations. They weren't Christian per se, and traded with Christian pilgrims and Muslim merchants with equal elan. They also began a rudimentary postal service along their trade routes and an equally simple banking system that allowed travelers to deposit money at the starting point of their journey and pick up the equivalent amount in local currency at their destination.

Like the Freemasons of today, the Templars admitted the existence of God, and also admitted their own ignorance of the subject, choosing to take a profitable "live and let live" approach to the whole subject of religion. As one Grandmaster of the early Freemasons put it, "Why argue about what can't be seen and can't be proven?"

The Templars were never exactly "Christian" and their red cross emblem is revealed, at least in earlier renditions, as an eight-pointed star associated with Zoroastrianism.

By the time the First Crusades rolled around, the Templars were well-settled fixtures along every trade route and held many commanding physical fortresses that guarded (and blocked) important mountain passes; at sea, they had established sea lanes for their traffic and customers, which they guarded from pirates --- and which required them to have their own naval branch, too.

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