10/01/24 INFORMED CONSENT FIRST - Episode 14: Kelly Gallagher

5 months ago

Welcome to EPISODE FOURTEEN of INFORMED CONSENT FIRST where we bring you a new episode the first Tuesday of each month.


We are excited to be joined by Kelly Gallagher (Schulman). Kelly is an Award winning Filmmaker, Strategist, Writer, International Health Speaker/Researcher, and Patient Advocate.

As a 5x cancer survivor powered by her 6th
pacemaker and an aortic pig valve, Kelly has real life experience in the health,
wellness, treatment, recovery and survival departments of the medical system.

She has navigated both conventional and alternative wellness protocols for over 30 years, succeeding with what she calls “Merge Medicine”; achieving wellness by controlling
variables; mainly food, thoughts and toxins….the parts of her treatment that she could.

“Those parts add up and take pressure off the ailing immune system. It all makes
sense.” says Kelly Gallagher.

Having been given a one-year death sentence 26 years ago, this former NBC Executive considers every day of her life a blessing as she lobbies for non-toxic health treatments at the FDA, CDC, UN, WHO & around the globe.

She spent 8 years traveling the globe on the issue of mercury in dental fillings and was met with more push back than she ever imagined.

Kelly Gallagher, a paradigm shifter, freedom fighter and modern day superhero who believes the key to the future of wellness will pivot when we reward consumers for personal responsibility and penalize products that damage health of populations putting accountability back to the manufacturers.

“Focusing on organic health education classes for early childhood students and personal responsibility/choice management classes for adults are paths to positive change and better health outcomes,” says Kelly, as she has always been on the go and involved in world changing missions from large-scale concert production to mission oriented work in the former Soviet Union.

Her ultimate goal is to wake up the world to the possibility of perfect health starting with your mouth.

Kelly Gallagher is the Creator and Producer of the Doctors Who Rock Awards, Get Your Life Back Now and a feature documentary in post production on mercury in dental fillings.

She is an avid documentarian with a massive library of historical footage. She is the Co-Producer of the controversial film VAXXED; From Cover Up to Catastrophe, and a Director/Producer of the upcoming film entitled, DRILLED; a heavy metal mis-adventure about a dental cover up of epic proportions.

Kelly Gallagher raised $500,000 for the Plandemic Series, is a producer on the Planet Lockdown series, and is committed to projects that get the truth out about life, liberty and health.

Kelly got her start in politics at the young age of 13 after writing the winning essay from
Venice, Florida for The Rotary Club’s Bi-Centennial Speech Writing Contest. She met the President of the United States for her efforts.

To learn more about the incredible Kelly Gallagher, visit her social media accounts:



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent. This includes but is not limited to the Arizona Chapter of Children’s Health Defense.

Dr. Neelu: drneelu@radicalresonanceequilibrium.com

Dr. Neelu on IG https://www.instagram.com/neelubluepsyd/?next=%2F

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