Who played the leading role in dragging America into World War II

5 months ago

80%-95% of Americans opposed World War II.
Prominent military officials and political leaders, including Kennedy, were speaking out and warning about the hostile jewish effort to drag America into war.
But jews used their media to lie to us and push the war anyway.
Jews dominated the Roosevelt administration and purposely provoked Germany and Japan because they knew it would trigger declarations.
Jews in Hollywood worked directly with the jewish Roosevelt administration and pumped out dozens of films psychologically conditioning Americans for war.
Even the 5 million "average decent" jews in America became activated as a fifth column and aggressively pushed for war.
After so many provocations against Germany and Japan, the jewish Roosevelt administration knew about Pearl Harbor and purposely let it happen.
Had there been no jews in America, we would have never gone to war with Germany or Japan.
Hundreds of thousands of White fathers and Asian fathers would have had families. The best of our genetic stock would have continued to this day.

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