Frantic Boyfriend Causes Car Crash, Fires at Officers After Breakup

5 months ago

Eddie James Freeman accused of shooting at officers after crashing car during breakup on I-94

Eddie James Freeman was involved in a violent incident that began when his girlfriend attempted to end their relationship while driving on I-94. In response, Freeman reportedly grabbed the steering wheel, causing the car to veer off course and result in a car crash. The impact led to a serious car accident, leaving the vehicle as a wrecked car on the highway. Following the car collision, Freeman exited the vehicle and opened fire on law enforcement officers who had arrived at the scene. Despite the chaos, no one was injured in the shootout, and Freeman was apprehended near the car crash. The case against 23-year-old Eddie James Freeman reportedly began on Saturday night, when his girlfriend broke up with him as she drove on I-94 and he sat in the passenger seat. A probable cause statement paints a picture of a chaotic scene after Freeman allegedly grabbed the wheel of the car and sent it off the road.

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