Last Call - Special Guest, Chad Bednar, Author of the "Keeper of The Sins" Series.

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Chad Bednar started reading at a very young age. I mean, REALLY young – he wasn’t quite four years old when his mother discovered he could read books and newspapers on his own, and nobody could explain how he did it. As long as it caught his interest, he didn’t so much read a book, as he consumed it, be it about cyborgs, aliens or pet bears. The spark that flipped the switch from reader to writer ignited in his late teens. He was told he was incapable of learning another language. Naturally, he forced himself to prove them wrong. After doing the “impossible”, he moved on to other goals, which included his old dream of becoming a published author. In his writing journey, Chad wrote seven”-ish” manuscripts before striking on the concept of a vampire that worked for the Vatican. Now two books into the series, we want to know 1) When do we get the third, and 2) What else is in the Bednar Works?

Find Chad Bednar, his books, and all updates at

Follow Bednar Works on YouTube: @BednarWorks

For direct inquiries, contact Chad via eMail:

Check out the Keeper of the Sins promo video featuring Netter’s Network and Yours Truly:

Canarble Wagon rolls at 9C/10E
As always, please subscribe to everyone who makes this stream happen behind the scenes …

Host – Last Call w/Troy Pacelli @TroyPacelli

Designated Driver – Aged Boomer @AgedBoomer

Bouncer – Netter's Network @NettersNetwork

Waitstaff (Moderators) –
@AdegaOutlaw, @BigAlPresents , @bruhajzmah , @jesseguajardo8592 , @ladymyst8809 , @ladyvelements9093 , @theskeptictank, @MacsWorldEntertainment , @sertorrhenclegane, @MidnightsEdgeAfterDark

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Barfly –
Maria w/Tea & Telly @TeaTellyWMaria

Regulars –
Connie Cleary @conniecleary1863
Curtis Selby @tiredmdntblggr
Disney Sheepherder @DisneySheepherder
jprph1 @jprph1

VIPs –
deleted_scenes @deletedscenes
Lester San Jose The Skeptic Tank @theskeptictank

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Also on MeWe: The Fans Strike Back Against Disney Star Wars:

Fixing the DC Cinematic Universe:

Fixing the Universal Monsters Shared Universe

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