Kabbalah and the Counterfeit Tree of Life

5 months ago

This video was originally produced as part of Transofrmations, a faith-based group-centered curriculum to help people heal from complex trauma. For more information, please visitwww.transformations.community. To contact Nikki P directly, please email nlpwriter@protonmail.com

Thank you and God Bless!

ADOPT or SPONSOR a survivor with Transformations.community!

Survivors of complex trauma and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) have the need for mentorship and care as they navigate their own healing and go towards their own goals of living a productive, healthy, Christ-filled life. However, because of health and other challenges, they often experience financial hardship. You can make a profound difference in the life of a survivor through our "Adopt a Survivor" and "Sponsor a Survivor" programs. Visit https://www.transformations.community/adopt-sponsor-a-survivor
to learn how you can help!

For more information about the faith-based Transformations curriculum and groups for healing complex trauma in community and with the True Family of God (which this teaching is a part of), please visit www.transformations.community.

Clarification of Definitions:

A "survivor" is someone who has been through Satanic Ritual Abuse and intentional mind control programming in one of the five different branches of the brotherhood system.

The "Brotherhood System" is the network of Luciferian/Illuminati organizations that have run the financial system, the media, healthcare , the UN, the major religions for the last 125 years globally and for centuries regionally. They include the Mormons, Jesuits, Masons, Cabal/New Age, Satanists. Although they still control major swaths of our world, their power is waning as more people...through God's power, grace, and mercy... are waking up and survivors and others come forward for exposure.


About Kabbalah and the Occult-

Dan Duval Exposing Kabbalah Series

Survivor Testimonies-

Survivor Kaleb Jade – Memoirs of an Invisible Warrior
(Interview Series on Aquarius Arising Africa)

Live with Jessie Czebotar – The Gateway Experience
(Interview Series on Aquarius Arising Africa)

Never Give Up: The Autobiography of a Survivor of Ritual Abuse and Mind Control by Svali
(Book 1)

Nikki Lyn Pugh Survivor Testimony on “Mettles”

About the "Brotherhood System:"



Basic Kabbalah Info-


My Jewish Learning – Mishna



The Four Worlds

Jewish Virtual Library

Misc References:

The Incredible Scofield & His Book by Jospeh Canfield

Yuval Noah Harari, Useless People Clip


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The videos, articles, and blogs created by The Gentle Healthy Traveler are for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to diagnosis or prescribe. Please see your regular physician or natural health professional.

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