Thy Kingdom Come - Sept 27, 2024

4 months ago
YouTube @myfatherswitness2855

Matt 6:10 - *the LORD'S kingdom come, the LORD'S will be done...not your own will like Lucifer did or else you will end up just like him - being cast away out of God's presence and Kingdom of Heaven.

Job 22:29-30 - *you need to be doing God's will to manifest God's kingdom

Matt 10:5-15 - as you go, preach saying the Kingsom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. Freely receive, freely give.

Matt 6:19-34 - *bouncing off yesterday's vision of the single bed (self reliance) being removed to be replaced by a queen bed ("ginosko" knowing, of a husband and wife intimately knowing one another).

Prophets declaring the Kingdom Age = will require manifestation of Matt 5:17-20.

DEUT 15:5-11 - *the commandments to freely lend to your poor brethren.

Matt 5:42-48 - *Jesus ups the ante to lending even to and loving your enemies to demonstrate that we are sons of the Father and walking in maturity and love.

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