Applied Linguistics with Juxtaposition (Tutorial Pt 1)

8 days ago

The subtle meaning of words and how best to weaponize them.

1) Synthetic (adjective)
(of a substance) made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product: eg: "synthetic rubber"

(of an emotion or action) not genuine; insincere:
eg: "Their tears are a bit synthetic"

2) logic
(of a proposition) having truth or falsity determinable by recourse to experience. Compare with analytics.

3) (of a language) characterized by the use of inflections rather than word order to express grammatical structure. Contrasted with agglutinative and analytics.

Fusion (noun) · fusions (plural noun)
1) the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity:
"a fusion of an idea from anthropology and an idea from psychology" · "malformation or fusion of the three bones in the middle ear"

2) physics: short for nuclear fusion.
"the center of the Sun where fusion occurs" · "a fusion reactor"

3) the process of causing a material or object to melt with intense heat so as to join with another:
"the fusion of resin and glass fiber in the molding process"
music that is a mixture of different styles, especially jazz and rock:
"jazz fusion"

Matrix, noun:
1) an environment or material in which something develops, a surrounding medium or structure:
"free choices become the matrix of human life"

2) a mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded:
"nodules of secondary limestone set in a matrix of porous dolomite" · "such fossils will often be partly concealed by matrix"

3) a mold in which something, such as a record or printing type, is cast or shaped:
"her two duets with Isobel Baillie were never issued and the matrices were destroyed"

Senator Joseph McCarthy’s hearings, which were part of the broader anti-Communist efforts, took place primarily in the early 1950s. The Army-McCarthy hearings, one of the most notable series of hearings, occurred from February 1953 to March 1954.

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