The Strength of Silver Fox Energy Vlog

5 months ago

The Strength of Silver Fox Energy Vlog title is from. the Date September 27, 2024 thus 44 Which adds to Eight the Strength Card time to face your inner beast. Silver is from the video I shared and the reading I did on where silver is going. The Fox was the card from the spirit animal Oracle deck. The Fox with wit and practical cunning, Discernment, Shapeshifting Allure and magic.

Space Weather site showed us a small M class CME popping off at an ninety degree angle on the incoming limb of the sun. The Solar wind density is at 6 protons per centimeter. The solar wind speed is 320 (KPS). The Temperatiure of teh soalr wind is 100,000 Kelvin. The KP Index is in the green but bottomed out from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM when the level flatlined for six hours.

The kachina knife spread i did on Silver started with the six of swords then the six of wands a celebration of a victory the Devil showed up in the past showing the intent of those that suppress the price of silver. in the middle we have the world card competition below that the Sun card with abundance tothe left we have the lovers card a partnership and to the right of the sun we have the Queen of Cup being nostalgic about silver's meteoric rise. I pulled to clarifiers for the price in the next month which gave me the five of cup I read that as it will hit 50 dollars by october the other card was the Empress card fecundity abundance the earth mother it is a positive card for sure.
Space Weather site:
Jean Claude Beyond Mystic interview of andy scheckman of Miles Franklin precious metals:

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