Bo Polny - The TRUTH - It's All ONE BIG FRAUD - Bo Polny Andrew Sorchini Dave Scarlett - Captions

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Bo and Andrew discuss the current state of the financial system, predicting a collapse and the need to invest in precious metals to protect wealth. They emphasize the fraudulent nature of the financial system and the necessity of owning gold and silver. They also mention the geopolitical events and the shift away from the US dollar as the world reserve currency. They point to biblical prophecies and the potential for a great wealth transfer, urging listeners to take action to protect their assets.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Bo Polny! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video posted 07-11-2024 may be watched here: 👉

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👉LEGAL & DISCLAIMER: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Bo Polny, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Bo Polny's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. Mr. Bo Polny is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Bo Polny recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although an experienced analyst, Mr. Bo Polny is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Bo Polny’s opinions on the markets, stocks and commodities are his own and cannot be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies.


I want to ask those viewers that are listening. Please provide me one financial instrument made by man that still exists today. There is one. Every single financial instrument made by man in the past 5,000 years has gone to zero. The Federal Reserve Note is no different. The viewers need to understand, please comment on this Andrew. The financial system is a complete fraud. Whe n you make something out of thin air, it's a fraud. It has no value. And so in the 70s, there was barely a billion dollars. Now we're in th e quad trillions. Okay? So, where did the money come from? Where did a quad trillion dollars come from? They made it. That's where we are stepping into the greatest financial event in human history when God flips these financial scales. And it's going to be an incredible sight to see. But at the same time, a horrific time point in human history, because most people have and listen to us. Majority of the world truly believes the financial system is real. Majority of the world turn on their TVs every day and watch, squawk box and everything else. And they just watch what their accounts are doing. Their 401ks are doing only to shortly realize that the entire system was a fraud. We want to welcome all of his glory nation from East to West to North to South. Welcome to the state five. Bullpony and Andrew Sorkini are in the house with us. This is like a huge bonus Wednesday. Three live live. When we say live, this is live. So, any mistakes, it's live out there. So you got today, you had Wednesdays with Julie Green. We just got done with Julie Green. Barry Wunch had a very powerful prophetic word today on his glory on Wednesdays. Now we have Andrew and Bo live and then we'll have a war report. All this in one day. We have Andrew Sorkini and Bo Pawney with us. Andrew with Beverly Hills Precious Metal are a preferred source of going and get precious metals because you got to be protective of where you get them from because a lot of these con artists are going to come out of the woodwork. Bo and Andrew, good to see you both again. Thank you. Thanks for having us. What's new? We're talking right before the podcast here about the prices of golden silver starting to head in the direction to where they could test their high recent highs, which would be an all-time high for gold. But I think it's like an 11 or 12 year high for silver. So we're getting there and we're getting ready to blast off. It's time to get as much golden silver as you can and bulk it down and be ready. I was on Clay's show earlier this week and I can't remember one of the well-respected analysts. He was talking about gold being at 27,000 and ounce gym records. That's what it is. Jim records is the one that said that. So if gold's at 27,000, silver's going to be through the moon as well. Yeah, it's a vote could probably expand on where that formula comes from, but it's it is possible if what Jim Rickard says could happen does happen. I'd say this too. It's not a matter of the price of precious metals, gold or silver. It's more a matter of what happened to cause that price to get there. Like if gold were $27,000, my question is what the heck just happened in the world to cause that event? Because I'm telling you there's no way in heck, there's zero possibility that the globalists who manipulate the price of gold and silver precious metals would ever allow a price of $27,000 for gold. They wouldn't allow it. Just like right now, and an hour joking for the podcast, like every before, we would have podcasts and we would say every time silver would hit $27, they'd slam it down. And we were dead right about that. And I also said when it breaks 27, the next roof is 32. So we've talked about this for the past three years now, roughly. And we were dead right because for the past two and a half years, it would hit $27 and they'd slam it down. And then finally it broke through, I think like four months ago, of the $27 mark, it blasted through in a heartbeat to $32. And now it's been bouncing between $32 and $30, say $29.50. It's been bouncing around there ever since. And they're not going to let when I say they, who are they? If you know, they call themselves Jews, but they are not. They are from the synagogue of Satan. And so these people are globalists, the Illuminati, whatever you want to call them. But the bottom line is they run the world and they use, they run the world in the user world financial system, the money system to build everything they've built. They built this money system. They built Babylon with his fake money system, the federal, not federal reserve. No, so we've got a huge problem here right now because they've been building Babylon with a federal reserve and no creating money out of thin air. The money system is a complete fraud. The money system is a complete fraud. When the market crash of March 2020, they create seven trillion over a weekend and put it back in the stock market to ref re-hypotheicate, refloat the stock market. So the markets of fraud, if gold were to be a $28,000, the only way that that event could happen was to be godly or biblical intervention. Now the words God intervenes upon the world. Well I know Pastor Dave, you've had Julie Green and probably other prophets, Barry Winch on your show. And what is, what is the general consensus that would God is speaking that he's going to take down Babylon? He's going to take down the financial system. He's going to flip the scales on the money changers, you know, a many, many tackle off-har seam. You've been waiting the balances and found wanting your kingdom has come to an end. And so all of this is predicated on a biblical intervention, a godly intervention to take down the federal reserve and the federal reserve note. And then that event will ultimately cause gold to be at the number like 28,000. And to be honest with you, I think that's cheap. Like Andrew isn't Bitcoin, 57, 58,000 right now. You seem saying so that's a bigger number. So what makes Bitcoin more valuable than gold? Bitcoin is not more valuable than gold. It should be at least a minimum equally valuable to gold. So if Bitcoin's 57,000, so should announce of gold be. See, you have to understand, but the problem is they can't, they can't manipulate and control the price of Bitcoin like they can precious metals with derivative contracts. That's why you read James 5. Well, too now you rich men weep and how for the miseries that come shall come upon you, your goal. So your paper contracts and your silver is cankered and shall be the witness against you and shall eat your flesh as if it were fire. So when the truth comes out of the day, the manipulating precious metals for generations, that truth will eat their flesh as if it were fire and they have heap treasures for the last days and there is how you get a minimum of 28,000 for gold. It's pure corruption. This Monday I was taken from a friend who's, I've mentioned him several times, he's a hedge guy from Wall Street. And I brought in another guy that I know and Intel and they gave us a long story short behind the curtains and how the stock market works. And I was shocked. I never knew it was that fraudulent. Exactly what you're talking about, Bo, about the silver and gold being manipulated, the stock market the same way with algorithms, AI, buying and selling, taking your own shares and so it is absolutely a Ponzi scheme and I said, it's coming down. There's no way that they're going to stop this. It's coming down. Yep. Have the viewers need to understand, please comment on this Andrew. The financial system is a complete fraud. When you make something out of thin air, it's a fraud. It has no value. And so in the 70s, there was barely a billion dollars. Now we're in the quad trillions. Okay. So where do the money come from? Where did a quad trillion dollars come from? They made it. That's why it's called making money. Andrew expand upon making money, expand about the financial system. People need to understand the systems of fraud. It is. It absolutely is. It's the United States. The Fed Reserve is actually printing dollars out of thin air and then using that to try to pay off debt, but it's not actually working because each day we're going deeper into debt. In fact, the interest on our national debt right now has exceeded 1 trillion dollars a year. So it's the right-hand side of the wall. If this was your personal finances, anybody out there that knows anything about money would say this is where you file a for bankruptcy. And for us, as a nation, we need to completely revamp everything and have gold and silver back our dollar like it used to. And that's another way that we would get to the $27,000 an ounce or for gold. But I'll tell you, that aside, I'm seeing more pushback from the banks when people try to do these precious metals purchases than I've ever seen. I mean, it's gotten downright dirty. And I have one example recently. I may have actually talked about this on an earlier podcast with both of us and it's still not resolved. So we would find that they went to the bank to wire $207,000 for gold and silver. And they were scared out of it by the bank. And they went home. They didn't send the wire. They called us and they said they said the bank scared us and talked us out of sending it, but we still want to do the transaction. We just need to find another way. So then we had them overnight, check to us. Then that check was returned. Not as efficient funds. It was returned unpaid. Now it seems that that account is now frozen. It's we use chase and our chase account is fine. But the client's chase account is frozen from any transactions from them to us as fraud prevention. And it's I've not seen anything like this in all the years. We've seen similar things, but this is this one really takes it. Well, they're panicking. They know it's coming and they can't hold it back any longer. That's exactly what I talk about that story. The guy from Wall Street that he at first he was defensive. He's like, no, no, no, this doesn't happen because he was trained through college and finances. And that's how they do. They train you through their own. Papa Ged does what it is. And then finally after the sky just showing him all the evidence, he broke down and like, I can't believe I was lied to. And the banks are freaking they're concerned. The crash is coming. It's not if. So buckle up. It's coming. But note on that is that we have a chase account and the client has a chase account. So the bankers there could just look up our account and see transactions. If there's a lot of transactions money coming in and money coming out, it's clear that this is a company that's doing business and probably good business. So they actually had the tools right there to just verify everything for the client. The point is they're trying, chase is trying to say that they're in a position to protect you against fraud. But no, they honestly don't care. If they care, they pay you more than a quarter of a percent in interest every year for what you have deposited there. They don't care. They act like it's their money. And technically it is because when the Patriot Act came out, we became a company. We became not depositors, but we're creditors now. So it's set up where if the banks fail, we go down with them. And who's the biggest manipulator of short on silver and on silver? Short squeeze. It's a JP Morgan. Yeah, JP Morgan Chase and just one more final thing on Chase. I was looking up enforcement actions on the government by CFTC. And I saw that they were sued for 200 million for for price manipulation on some of their investments. And people should understand that that Chase isn't worried about this. This is written into their business plan. It's like if you have a baseball card shop and you have these packs of cards there somewhere in your business plan, you've accounted for a certain amount of theft. As kids might come in and take a little bit of the product and run out the door without paying for it. Well, with Chase, they know that they're going to get sued from time to time. And the amount of money that they have to pay from these lawsuits is written into their business plan. It's a cost for doing business. It's like the people that illegally import drugs to the United States. They know that some of them are going to get caught when it comes through customs or the police are going to seize their goods. That's written into the business plan. And this is what makes what they're doing to precious metals so wrong. Well, Andrew, I can confirm that that call that I had on Monday were exposed. That's exactly what they said. I wrote it down, cost of business. It's baked into their plan. They're paying these fees. I think about those two. Now let me add this to you. So let's say what was the damages they have to pay under? How many million is 200 million? Okay. So they pay 200 million, but they see understand the magnitude. So you and I might think, oh, wow, 200 million. There's a lot of penalty that you have to pay, right? But they made five billion. You see, so if they made five billion, they had they had base, they knew that they had to pay maybe one to three million. So that's just, you know, that's a drop in the bucket of the five billion that they made. So again, this is how it sounds painful. Oh, they paid 200 million in fees and damages because they got caught. But they knew that they would have to pay that. That's how this game is played. But the game ultimately is a complete fraud. I want to show this one screen here just to have the viewers understand about JP Morgan. Okay. JP Morgan is the largest order of gold. I'm specifically of silver. I find it interesting that JP Morgan's logo is the swastika. Yeah. It's kind of an interesting coincidence. And I do like when I referenced JP Morgan as a largest holder of silver, I like to reference Ecclesiastes to verse 26. And why I referenced that is kind of interesting because it says to the person who pleases God, he gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness. Well, I'd say all three of us pretty much every time we're on here, we were pretty much happy. Got a decent amount of knowledge what's going on. To the center, he gives a task of gathering and storing up wealth. What's JP Morgan doing? It's gathering and storing up wealth. And what does God say then to hand over to those who please God? You see, so as much as JP Morgan has plans to do what they're doing to steal, to hoard all the precious metals. But Lee, when you read Scriptures, is the flipping of the financial scales, you see, God is going to flip up financial scales. The wealth of the center is stored up for the righteous and repeat that. The wealth of the center, these people, the globalists, is stored up for the righteous. We are stepping into the greatest financial event in human history when God flips these financial scales. And it's going to be an incredible sight to see. But at the same time, a horrific time point in human history, because most people have them listened to us. Majority of the world truly believes the financial system is real. Majority of the world turn on their TVs every day and watch, squawk box and everything else. And they just watch what their accounts are doing. Their 401ks are doing only to shortly realize that the entire system was a fraud. It's far bigger fraud than I ever thought. I always knew it was fraud. We've been talking about this for years now. But until they pulled the curtains back from me on Monday, I didn't see how bad it is. Absolutely. Stealing from people. It is taking algorithms and manipulating, taking your own shares and trading and selling things that they don't even have. It's worse than what a bank does. And it's all run on high-speed computers. So there's nothing about like free will in these markets anymore. You might come up with a great product and create a stock. And they could, because it might be some fantastic thing that they don't like. They can make your stock go to zero just using paper derivatives and contracts. So the whole system, whether you like it or not, it's not free trade, free will anymore. There is no true price discovery. And silver and gold are especially silver is the most beautiful example of lack of true price discovery. If you look at the price of silver for the past 50 years, they have done everything. If there's two points where it jumped over $30 to $40 for just a few weeks, it was there. But otherwise for the past 50 years, silver has been under $30 for the past 50 years. This is complete and utter fraud. And the reason why would they want to do that? Because of silver, the people's money have value. and their money, the Federal Reserve Note, would not. See if silver was worth 500 bucks an ounce right now. People would actually be using that for transaction because they'd be buying things with it because it has such immense value. But because it's worth under $30 or under $30 range right now, and they've kept it there for 50 years, people have continued to use the Federal Reserve Note. And so they'd play the game to manipulate the price of precious metals because as long as gold and silver are low in value, then their money, Federal Reserve Note will remain the world's reserve currency. But it's game up, game over, because Saudis refuse to sign the petro dollar contract on June 9. The Saudis refused to resign the petro dollar contract on June 9. We know that the Saudis had a military agreement with Russia that was signed on. We showed on the show before on June 24, 2021. That military contract was signed nine days after Kabul fell. Why? Because Saudis no longer trusted to buy the Biden administration that they would protect the Saudis and so the Saudis signed a military agreement with Russia. And then on 9 June 2024, they did not resign the petro dollar contract. There's no more petrol in the dollar. The dollar is nothing but a fiat fake paper money system backed by no, no, absolutely zero faith in confidence. There's no faith in confidence in that dollar system anymore. And then this is cool. Two days after. So the Federal, so they refused to sign on June 9. Two days later. It's so cool. Two days later on the 11th of June, which happened to be Pentecost 11th, 12th of June, which is Pentecost, a Russian warship pops up on that east coast. Why? Don't they were basically telling the United States, don't you dare try to force the Saudis to resign that petro dollar contract. And so why because Russia had a military agreement with the Saudis, they were holding up their end of that contract on June 11th, 12th, which happened to be exactly Pentecost. So how awesome is this? We are Russian warship is on the east coast on Pentecost with a similar nuclear sub to support the contracts and don't you dare force those Saudis to resign that petro dollar contract. And so now the dollar has no petrol in it. It's nothing but fiat. And on top of that, where is the faith in confidence right now? Come on, where is their faith in confidence in the United States? Look at what's going on with the administration. It is completely falling apart. And if you think that what we're talking about makes no sense and if you literally have those listening have, oh, no gold and oh, no silver, you truly do not understand history. And on the talking 50 years of history, I'm talking hundreds, I'm talking thousands of years of history. I want to ask those viewers that are listening. Please provide me one financial instrument made by man. It still exists today. There isn't one. Every single financial instrument made by man in the past 5,000 years has gone to zero. The Federal Reserve note is no different. Correct Andrew? It's true. And we always talk about the dollar possibly or it's inevitable that we're going to lose our world's reserve currency status. That's happening no matter what. Really, it's not just the dollar. It's all the other currencies out there that are going to turn to nothing as well. Because any currency that's not backed by anything that's real, it's not real currency. It's just an agreement between two people that say, okay, I agree that this paper that says 20 on it can buy $20 worth of goods and services. And this has just been the deal all along, but that could end at any moment. We're very close. So I believe that the entire world is going to go to something that is going to be gold backed. They're saying it could be a central bank digital currency. If we can get Trump in, which it looks like he will get in there, I believe that he will come up with something better than that. And it would be gold backed. And then that's where what Jim Rickard said that gold could hit $27,000 and outs. That's if his calculations based on if they were to just take the existing money supply now and backed about 50% of it with gold that that's how high it would be for one ounce of gold, $27,000. And that's exactly what happened in 1980 when gold spiked up to $850 and silver spiked of $49 silver and gold met, they met the money supply. So what Jim Rickard is saying, nothing different. If you took the money supply right now, gold would be at a $28,000. Now I think the problem Jim Rickard's has with that calculation is one. Very simple. I think it's M2, but they truly have hidden the real money supply. So he's basing his money supply calculation on, I believe, a guess because no one really knows how much money they've made. There's like a missing 20 cash and Austin, Catherine Austin, if it talks about a missing 21 trillion dollars is missing. This is documented, a documented missing $21 trillion. You see, that's not even taken into account in that $28,000 calculation for gold. So I'm telling you, it's if you don't own precious metals, you don't get it. Every money that's ever been created has gone to zero. The US dollar will go to zero. My best calculation is by the end of this decade. It will be at zero. And I believe in the year 2024, we're in the 50 year Jubilee cycle. If we took this $50 bill, I believe overnight, sometime this year, very shortly possibly, it could lose and no, it will lose one third of its value overnight. And this will be at loss of its status of the world reserve currency. This will happen overnight in the 50th year because of petrodollar contract was June 74, 50 years. This is it. This is the 50 year Jubilee for the petrodollar. This is going to be the collapse of the financials system. I know me stock market. I mean dollar, the federal, not federal reserve. There aren't any note beans. It's paper. These are the bankers out of London. The bankers of London who have made this money. There's the ones that control the fed, the fed. And then say that we're a free country. Come on people. Nothing about what's going on is free. Look at your, look at your driver's license. Look at your passports. Your name is an all capital letters. That's a corporation. You on your driver's license are a corporation. You on your passport or any government official document is a corporation. Corpses are dead. The United States is a corporation and it's no longer a nation founded under God. It's a corporation. It's dead. And they've stolen it from us. So we're going to return to the republic. It's going to be awesome. But things are about to change in this world. Oh, they are. We'll be right back after this message to the rest of that because there's a lot of fireworks going on in the world as we speak. Beverly Hills precious metals exchange is a client-focused firm devoted to assisting our clients with precious metals. Our clients range from first time to serious coin collectors and investors seeking to add precious metals to their investment portfolios. We are not interested in volatile investments, leverage products and intangible assets with rising inflation and the devaluing of the dollar hurting middle-class families, investing in golden silver ensures protection for your hard earned money. Save the value of your money today by investing in golden silver at Beverly Hills precious metals. And we're back. You know, our breaks are pretty intense. Sometimes intense more than the live about what's going on in the world. I'll give it back to you, Bo. Right. So I just want to tell you the importance of what's going on. This money system, like we talked about, it's a fraud. People please wake up. You cannot have a home that's worth $30,000 in the 70s to 50,000 today worth half a million to a million dollars and at home is 50 years old. It's not better. There's just more money chasing it. So this money's been made out of thin air. Period. The money's been created out of thin air and these globalists, these bankers have created a federal reserve. The federal reserve, who ultimately are a bunch of families out of London, Europe, are running our country through the federal reserve. This is how the system is set up. It's incredible. But I want to show you a little bit of prophecy and also tie in some some scripture. So I want to share the scripture. Daniel 12 verse seven, I think you might find this interesting Andrew and Pastor Dave in the viewers as well. But if we take scripture, Daniel 12 verse seven, it says, it will be for a time, times and a half a time. And when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, hmm, interesting, all of these things shall be finished. So I want to use this scripture. Daniel 12, seven and applied to our present day. So let's look at this right here. The Biden presidency. The inauguration was January 20th, 2021. If you run three and a half years or 1260 days, that takes us to precisely July 4th, 2024. Few days ago, why I'm making a point of this? Because this scripture is telling us that the Biden presidency begins to come to an end on the 4th of July. Hmm. Did you notice what happened when you turn on mainstream media on the 4th, 3rd, 4th, 5th of July, the entire left, including CNN, all want him to step down. But as of June 30th, there was an appeal. I'm going to repeat as of June 30th, there was an appeal. They were actually supporting and throwing a party for Biden and June automatically as of July hitting, especially the 3rd, 4th, 5th of July, automatic a light switch hit. All of the left is now wanting Biden out. This scripture, Daniel 12.7, perfectly. I'm going to repeat it again. Perfectly, four told what's happening to the Biden presidency right now. And we're now on a 45 day window. So a 45 day window which takes us to August 17th for the final completion of the cycle. And then a new 3.5 year cycle begins. Now I want to explain a 3.5 year cycle. Jesus got baptized to that time he died on the cross. They killed him on the cross. It was Daniel 12.7, 3.5 years. So the Biden presidency is now complete at 3.5 years. Something's big about to happen. And if we go backwards 3.5 years, that was a time of when they were attacking Trump. All of that started in July of 2017 with Russia gate and everything else that they've been doing. Point is this is a 7 year window, a 7 year window, which ends in July. And what did Kim Clement say? Strange July, strange July. So something and the wealth transfer. He also said this and this is why we have Andrew here because imagine this event going down. And what if we come and said that the wealth transfer comes in summer? When we repeat that, the wealth transfer comes in summer. Summer. Take it. For that says the Lord, I will prosper my people. We are in summer right now. The 7 year window that I just showed you ended on July 4th specifically by the 45 day window, the 17th of August. It's over a new 7 year or specifically 3.5 window of divine favor. This is the window we've been waiting for, which is written behind past today. You know, his glory, his glory manifests on earth. The calculations telling us beginning. First, middle of, which means that earth and they Kim Clement said in summer, two things happen, the two East, the two East were earthquakes and eruptions. Well, what do you think happens when God intervenes upon the world? earthquakes, eruptions. So he says earthquakes and eruptions, the two East, Kim Clement also said, just a strange lie, strange a lie, and summer will be the mediator between spring and fall and summer brings the great wealth transfer. Summer. Summer. Which is. This is spring. And she fall. I will be the mediator. She says summer. I will uncover. I will defend my son, will shine. That yet, the East, the earth. Yet the New Thee Earth. There is a rage. Eruptions. Summer says, why choose they me? Why do the tornadoes, the hurricanes choose me? I am summer. I bring smiles. I bring sunshine. I bring warmth. Yet there is a tumultuous rendering that is coming. I stand to protect spring but fall. You are rebelling. Or is it that possibly the spirit of God will cause many to fall in fall. Then there is the earth that wishes to tremble. Shake. For the nations of the earth. Stand waiting. However, there is an uncovering of great people. And I will start from the top. I have shaken the Democrats and will shake the Republicans even more. But remember when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen, summer says I will take it so that the fall can do its work in America. For the summer shall bring forth much in the temperatures, strange July, strange July. If not in November, at all Christmas. We went to shall say, at me. I will make them happy. For God says I have chosen each season to manifest something. So, gold and silver are about to explode. Kim Klamans said it happens in summer. We have said over and over again the roof on silver was 27. It took 2 and a half years to breach it during our podcast. It finally broke 27. I was always saying when it breaks 27, 32 is the next one. When it breaks 32, it will go immediately to probably 70 dollars in the single day. And that just starts to great wealth transfer because what? Blessings, damages are 7. So, $20 the base. Time 7 is $140. That is coming people. Whether you, brothers, sisters, I am telling you, listen to this. Damages are 7 fold immediately. So, very short window of time expect, you know, it will go to probably 60, that is my target 68. But very damages are saying $140 per ounce on silver. And then we get into the blessings 30, 60 hundred fold, which means at 100 fold times 20. That is 2,000 an ounce on silver. I am not saying that is coming in July. I am saying that during these next 3 and a half years, we are going to see a credit in incredible mind boggling numbers on precious metals. Because why? God intervened. The 7 year window is over. And God is going to now step in. And we are stepping into a window of divine favor, which includes the greatest wealth transfer in human history. So, that leads me to my question to Andrew. Can you still get precious metals? How readily available are they? Are the spreads pretty big right now? Or the spreads still pretty good right now? Because I know, you know, you can confirm, but I literally went on the last pull back here at the end of June. I put another order in with you. Because I knew there is very little time left here. So, again, I am telling people not only my, you know, I do podcasts, but I know Pastor Dave also buys as well too. We do what we say. We are not giving you financial advice telling you what to go do. We are just telling you, we buy precious metals because in my heart, I know the financial system is a complete broad. And go ahead. Oh yeah. People should reach out and begin the relationship of letting us advise them on how gold and silver to help them. They need to do it as quickly as possible. Because I like to use an example. It was the last quarter of 2022. I believe it was November and silver bottomed out at $18 and 50 cents an ounce. You placed an order on the exact day, the exact bottom of that. But the thing is, is the premiums at that point were sky high because the product wasn't available. It all started out with the U.S. Mint selling out of silver eagles. Any time that happens, all other silver becomes very, very scarce. So everyone's trying to get in at the same time. So you having been buying gold and silver for a long time, you knew don't go for the silver eagles because at that point, silver was $18, and 50 an ounce, it cost about $18 over the spot price to buy one ounce of silver, which works out to $36 and 50 cents for one ounce. It's too much and you knew that. So you went with the Philharmonics, which had a premium that was about one third of what the silver eagles was. So that was a very, very good purchase. But then now silver is over $30 an ounce and you've made purchases at this level as well. And you know to go for certain types of items that have a fair premium. And right now the premiums are so low, it doesn't matter what you buy. Any of the silver right now is a good buy right now. So specifically to the people that got in at the end of 2022, those premiums were so high that really, if you were to sell that silver today, you don't make much more than what you paid for it. So it does make sense to be able to average your cost down by getting more silver today. And this is something that I've been wanting to explain to people because we have people that do reach out, wanting to sell that bottom that final quarter of 2022 and they say, well, maybe I should have waited. I don't know. It's not that you should have waited. You just want to keep stacking silver as much as you possibly can and don't get caught in too much and today's price because we know where it's headed. Both says that we could potentially be heading to $68 an ounce. I trust that because he also did say a few months ago that silver would hit 32 and have a hard time staying above that. And you would bet on without one too. So right now is a good time to continue stacking silver. Well, Andrew, you've mentioned several times with Bo and with me, you know, a world event that could trigger, you know, the premiums could trigger just a run just before we went on. These items are in the news. I got a text from a general in Israel. The idea if it's just told Gaza to clear they're going in there for one last cleanup. Hezbollah, they're at the brink of war there. Iran says they're going to join in. We just gave F-16s to NATO for Ukraine to use against Russia, which was a red line. You have the United Kingdom's new prime minister saying that he's authorizing missiles to be shot into Russia as another red line. You have Poland and Germany on red alert with their forces because of this. Wow. That's just within the last hour. I was watching some of the European news on television on cable. And I saw that Finland and one other country have now, they've actually set up any Russian, any Russian that wants to buy property in those countries. It has to be approved by the government there because it turns out that Putin and people that have a direct link to the Russian government have actually been strategically buying homes in these countries to prepare for who knows. It's some, I've been enjoying watching a lot of the foreign news and you just hear stories that you just don't hear here in the States at all. But I did hear a couple things that Pastor Dave just mentioned and that's why I brought this up. But what Russian and China and Brits are doing is just so much bigger than what we see here in the States that I just can't understand why somebody wouldn't want to reach out to us or another gold company and make sure that they're able to protect everything that they've ever worked for. Just be prepared. Well, you just saw Putin finish or maybe still continuing kind of what like President Trump did when he was in office hitting India and all these North Korea and all these places. Putin's not going there to talk about soccer and football. They're talking about bricks. They're talking about finances. They're talking about how they take that dollar down and survive. Absolutely. It's some, I saw that they've, that Turkey is now an ally of bricks and according to General Flynn, Turkey's always been pretty pretty friendly here with us here in the United States. So we've lost them. We've lost Saudi Arabia and going to China and to North Korea and Cuba. These are no brainers. But it looks like he's doing a tour trying to create a list of allies to help ditch the dollar and it's working. All of their schemes, they're scheming all of their plotting. They've controlling humanity. They're controlling the globe with what the Federal Reserve know. They're, they've built Babylon, the World Wide and Slabin slash control system with a Federal Reserve now. You've got guys like Putin, Ching, out of China, but basically the bricks, Brazil, Russia, India, China and now many other nations have joined on, which compromises, and poor understand, which comprises over 70% of the global worldwide population. They are now a part of bricks. Not only that, but the bricks, the work of this for 10 years and they now have a system. Listen closely, it's parallel to the Fed Swift system. So the Fed Swift wire system, let's say if I wanted to send a wire like Andrew's talking about sending a wire between banks, you use what's called a Swift system. That same Swift system is how Andrew or myself or anybody could send a wire to any other country. But they weaponize the Swift system and they shut down the Swift system into Russia. They've shut down the Swift system into Iran. And so they weaponizing, put, naturally said, by weaponizing the financial system, it was a stupidest thing they could have done. And so if you look at the Swift system as the vertical line, it's basically you send money, you start here and you send money here. Now, what's happened is there's another system now called a bricks. Same thing, you can start here and send money here. There are two parallel systems. In other words, when you have a system that parallels the Swift system, ultimately you don't need the Swift system, you can use the new one. However, the day you start using the new one globally, that's a World War event. This is going to be wild how this plays out, but you have to understand, right? These globalists will fight to the death before they let the US dollar lose a status of the world is Earth currency. So these people are getting pinned up against the wall. You've got 70% of the world population saying we've had enough of you guys creating money out of thin air. In other words, we had enough of your fraud. When repeat that, the world saying we've had enough of your fraud, you bankers, pretty money out of thin air. We've had enough of it. And whether it's today, tomorrow, next week, whatever, I don't know. But in 2024, they will attack the US dollar. The dollar will be dethroned as a world as a world as a currency. Golden silver is going to explode to levels you can't even imagine. And it's only that only starts. That only starts the greatest wealth transfer in human history. It's coming. You can stop. It's coming. You can only sit on the correct side of the fence or the wrong side of the fence. Well, you eventually can do correctly. The globalist, their desperate, they're like a wounded dog. They're in a cage. They're back in the corner. Even President Trump two days ago, and Sean Hannity said, unequivalent, 100% chance there's going to be a 9-11 attack in the United States of America. That that desperate, they're going to do anything and everything to stop him from getting in office because as Andrew said earlier, I have a confirm that when President Trump comes back into office, we are going gold back. I've seen, I've seen the documents. 100% how that works. I don't know the details, but we will be going gold back. I gotta say this, I heard a prophet just a couple days ago and really briefly here, but the prophecy was very fun because there was a massive shark coming out to the United States to take a massive bite out of the United States to really take down the United States. It was over for the United States and that shark turned around and looked at the person and the shark had no chief. That's what's coming. You see, they're coming at us with everything they got. Guess what? They got no bite left. I'm going to repeat that. They got no bite left because who is in charge? God. And God is about to take these people down. They're walking into the greatest trap in human history, speaking of which, let me play this two minute video because remember, I talked about the seven years since Trump, since Trump and the seven years ended on, well, it's going to end specifically the full Daniel calculation, the Daniel 12 calculation ends on August 17, 2024, but we're in that 45 day window right now, which are which started on the 4th of July. So, 4th of July, we're in this 45 day window and all of it ends, which means a new window of time begins in the middle of August, which means that we're about to see fulfillment of this can command prophecy of been you have been besieged by America, besieged by haters of America, you've been besieged by haters of America. And so we're about to see fulfillment of this prophecy and we play it right here. And I think you're going to love this because this is going to make so much sense as to where we are scripturally, but more simple, where we are biddically in time. So listen this prompt two minutes. The giants that have come the brothers of Delirath, standing clean watching America, we will cripple you, you will lose your credit and people will become very afraid. I have said I will bring this nation to its knees and God said you have been humbled and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory. And even a cry doesn't said God will destroy this nation. The Spirit says may I remind you, the covenant that I made with this nation is immutable, is unchangeable, and I created and spoke of this nation to feed the world to heal the earth. And this is yes, judgment will come, but it shall not come at this time in the fashion that they have spoken. They have said they shall be a crash and America shall be crippled, not at this time, not at this time, or I have raised you up for a season. When I will take you out of your beseechment, you have been besieged for seven years America. You have been surrounded by your internal enemies, haters of America have stood up, and I will take the wealth of the wicked and for a season transferred into the hands of the righteous and all these people actually believe they are going to get away with it. Because why? They have all been tricked or deceived by who? The great deceiver, God has undefeated, God has letting them walk in and they are walking into the greatest trap in human history. I will bring an amount of restoration to this nation, and they shall be taken out of this siege that you have been in for seven years. And then the songs will come from all over this nation, from young people who deserve to sing my song. That's amazing. That also matches. Seven years, joyously green and very, very one-shot of prophetic word. I think yesterday played it today on his glory. The great reset, Babylon would be coming down. Julie Green, Red Sea moments coming. America is not done with America, and that's all within the last 24 hours. Isn't this incredible? So the seven-year cycle of time based on Daniel 12 verse seven, which I showed right here. The cycle calculates we're in that 45-day window, started 4th of July, and it ends on August 17th, where in this 45-day window, which the new window of time begins, August 17th onwards for the next three and a half years. And specifically what happens is something very special is the fall, and we move away from the current financial system. So this is the fulfillment, like you just said, Pastor Dave, of the Daniel prophecy. The beast falls. This is the fall of the beast. That's existed for two and a half thousand years. This beast was built with the federal reserve note. When the federal reserve note is deep thrown as a world reserve currency, the beast falls. And something interesting happens, Matthew 24. You'll hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen. It must happen. But the end is still to come. This is not the end of time. The end still coming. National rising is nation, kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes. What it can commence say, the two heat earthquakes and eruptions in various places. All of these things are the beginnings of birth pains. Matthew 24 is telling us that we're about to step into a new era, but a new era cannot exist with Babylon. Babylon's got to come down. A new era is about to be birth. This is going to be incredible because in that new era, we got a new financial system. Trump will come back to rebuild that financial system backed by gold and silver. Those who have listened to us are going to be blessed beyond measure. It will be incredible what is going to happen financially here. The way we transact is about to change forever forever forever. So we're supposed to continue transacting. It's just the way we transact is going to change forever. Truly biblical times, you know, Andrew was talking about what General Flynn said with Turkey. My mentor in the Bible was Chuck Messler and back in the late 90s, he said, watch Turkey. Once Turkey starts going full Islamic, you know, we're in the days of the Lord. And that's exactly what's happening. Turkey's turning on Israel. Turkey is not a friend of the United States now. Wow. We are literally in biblical times. Absolutely. And so people should definitely reach out to us so we can show you how you can protect your wealth during this time. Like we've talked about several times on this podcast. We know how this ends. We're going to be just fine because all of this is already played out. But we do have a responsibility to ourselves and our family to be able to do the best job that we can to protect what we have. And we can show you how to do that with your retirement account. We can convert existing 401ks and IRAs into a precious metals IRA and have it be a non taxable event. We have an excellent track record of quick fulfillment with these transactions. And we have a service now this premium onboarding that we've been using for the last two years where we can get accounts open. usually in about seven to 14 days. Sometimes a lot faster. So definitely reach out to us. This isn't a high pressure deal. But start the relationship of getting things of gaining the knowledge that you need in order to make an informed decision now. Rather than when the things that we talk about start to really unravel because at that point everything's going to be moving quickly. And there will be a lot of scammers out there. So reach out to us at Again, that's Say that goal 2024 cast or that both sent you. And in the notes section just put in some notes there. One of the things that I'm seeing a lot of are how can I roll over a 401k into a precious metals IRA and have it be a non taxable event. You can do that. If you put that in there I'll get you over to our IRA department. Do it while you can. While the product is available and the premiums are low. Yeah. Ball. We've talked about high speed computers when this event goes down. This is going to be high speed computers going to jump on this like you've never imagined before. You know, we saw Silver go from $27 to $32. I think it's a matter of two to three days. When Silver breaks 32 it's going to go to probably $60 to $70.00 a matter of one day to maybe three days. But this will be high speed computers jumping on all of this. And I just want people to know if you got money in your bank account you are an unsecured creditor based on the Frank Dodd Act, which is a corporate act, which means you're the last person in line to be paid. Should there be a financial event financial crisis. You're the last one in line to be paid or another worth to get your money back lastly if you got 401k's you got IRS. I want to tell you those are nothing but digits. You are looking you go log into your bank account if you got 401k you got an IRA you're looking at those you're looking at digits. In a financial crisis the digits will be locked up and you may never who knows how this is going to play out. But I'm telling you you had nothing but digits in a fraudulent financial system. If you own no gold if you own no silver you truly don't understand finance you don't understand history because history is proven every single monetary instrument ever created by man in the past 5000 years has gone to zero. Well we're living in biblical times literally everything is speeding up faster we are in the birth pains but we don't forget God has it in light winds. Thank you gentlemen. That wraps up today's take five God bless you and go in his show.

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