Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A - 27th September 2024

5 months ago

Benjamin Fulford Report: Francis to be last Pope as Catholic Church goes bankrupt – September 23, 2024

It really is getting biblical. The Roman Catholic Church is headed for bankruptcy, meaning the rubber-masked fake Francis will be the last Pope, Mexican government sources and news reports say.

This will open up a very deep rabbit hole.

The church is going bankrupt because Christians in Latin America and Africa now know the current Vatican leadership worships Lucifer. For this reason, they have stopped donating money to it.

At the same time, the church is being forced to pay billions of dollars in compensation for the systematic rape and abuse of children by clergy around the world. They will have no choice but to sell off their real estate holdings (churches around the world) to pay for it.

Also, now that First Nations around the world are also suing it, even this will not be enough to pay for their crimes. This means they will be dissolved after being in business for about 1700 years,

The fact the church has no money also means they have lost control of the Vatican Bank, the former controlling nexus of the world’s central banks and the UN. That is why the dollar has lost over 30% of its purchasing power against gold in the past year.

The implications of this will astound people because it will mean all the lies we have been told about our history will be uncovered. It will also mean the end of the fraudulent Gregorian and Jewish calendars.

The Iranians point out that the Chabad Jewish to Gregorian calendar converter only goes back to 1601, making a mockery of their claim this is the year 5784 in the Jewish calendar.

“During the conference in 1666, the Sabbateans decided to create a new calendar. The new calendar was designed in such a way that the 17th of Tammuz of 5426 coincides with the [Satanic date of] 20th of July of 1666. Therefore, they had to create two new calendars – the Israeli and Gregorian calendars.” Iranian sources say.

To understand our calendar is fake, think about this: September, October, November and December mean the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months.

A visible example of how the European Jews have been brainwashed and fooled by the Satanists is the fact they put on a skull cap of submission and pray to the wall of a fortress built by the Roman destroyers of the nation of Judea. This is to fool them into thinking they have to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque and trigger a holy war with Muslims in order to rebuild their temple.

The fact is the original site of the temple is nowhere near the Mosque so, the Jews could rebuild their temple tomorrow without picking a fight with the Muslims if they wished.

These lies are all being used to try to manipulate us into fighting and destroying each other instead of looking at our secret controllers.

MI6 for its’ part sent us what amounts to the deathbed confession of Karen Hudes, the former chief lawyer for the World Bank. Hudes worked directly with the Pharaonic Octagon group leaders who used fraudulent bonds from the 1930’s to claim control over the global financial system. According to her, they told her our history is fake and that Jesus, Aristotle, Plato, etc. all lived in the Middle Ages. She died shortly after posting this video.

We cannot confirm the stuff about Jesus and Aristotle but, we do have our own evidence the history we are taught is full of lies. A friend of my mothers’ –who was a cousin of the writer Aldous Huxley- was an archaeologist who uncovered evidence of Portuguese and Spanish colonies in Newfoundland that predated Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of America by centuries. You would think this would have made headlines around the world but, instead, her work was suppressed by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. This is the tip of the iceberg of fake history.

As WEF puppet Yuval Noah Harari says:

“Most information is junk. Most of it is lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, delusions, illusions because this is very cheap and easy to produce.”

Remember, Satan is the father of all lies. I can also confirm that the black pope Peter Hans Kolvenbach took credit for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan and claimed at the time he worked for Satan. The lie put out was that this was a “natural disaster.”

This is all about to come out because, according to MI6:

There is a crackdown on the global compromise and control (blackmail) network run by The Jesuits but essentially Swiss Octagon – they go by various names but essentially the same bunch of pharaonic bloodlines who seem to deem themselves as rulers of the world. This is very widely known inside the military intelligence community as you know.

In one example of this move against the bloodlines, Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II last week “fell down” and suffered “damage around the neck vertebrae as well as a fracture of the left hand,” causing her to cancel her public engagements.

This blackmail network is now being revealed to the Western public through the arrest of the rapper Diddy. As one example of the panic this arrest is causing, the actress Megan Fox tried to delete online posts she made such as saying “I was a teenaged demon possessed cannibalistic cheerleader. Who can’t relate to that?”

Many of these “celebrities” have already been arrested and have had their property seized. This is the executive order for this:

As more evidence, here is a list of celebrities who had property seized and auctioned off:

Multiple sources say this is part of a takedown of this blackmail network that will lead directly to Barack Obama, the former controller of the fake Joe Biden.

This is not going to be a cakewalk by any means. CIA sources warn. Commander in Chief Donald Trump has assembled a million-man army inside the United States

to fight the armed illegal immigrant militia the Satanists have built up in the US. Gun dealers around the United States have been ordered to sell weapons to the millions of military-aged male illegal immigrants without asking for ID.

“The weaponized immigration was a clandestine operation from the Lucis [Lucifer] Trust via the United Nations,” MI6 says. However, they say the immigrants “know they have been used,” and are not expected to put up much of a fight.

Nonetheless, senior CIA sources say they expect the Khazarian Mafia will try to cause as much mayhem as possible in the US because they are literally fighting for their lives. This is why everyone should prepare –just in case- for at least a week without power and access to shopping.

Things are expected to come to a crescendo on or around October 1st. This is because the Satanic UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION has still not found funding to keep it going past the September 30th fiscal year-end. This is being seen in news stories about the Republicans blocking efforts to keep the US government funded unless laws are passed to make sure only people with valid ID can vote in the November 5th Presidential Election.

There are also stories being put out now about a massive port worker strike from Maine to Texas that will shut down 60% of US trade starting October 1st.

The “strike” is just a cover story for a planned economic blockade of the US. Even the Rothschild-owned Economist admits “The Russians are no longer the bad guys. They are the Americans now.”

That is why, as this news shows;

Russian officials verified…159 participants to adopt BRICS Pay, a system that bypasses the dollar in global trade.

It’s rumored the blockchain-based payment system will be launched at the highly anticipated 2024 Summit in Kazan, Russia, next month.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said this on the de-dollarization of the world economy:

“The financial and political authorities of the United States are pushing this process forward with their not just careless, but unprofessional and stupid actions…I think that they already understand that they made a mistake [by trying to isolate countries like Russia from the dollar system], but they simply cannot get out of this rut, it is probably no longer very convenient for them to admit that they made a mistake, but it would be necessary to correct something, they see that the tools they are using do not work…We are switching to national currencies and that’s it.

Inside the US, meanwhile, the showdown between the white hats and the Satanists is being played out in the ongoing so-called presidential election campaign.

On this front, a group of 741 deep state traitors in the US government have done us the favour of publicizing their names in a public endorsement of the Satanic Kamala Harris so; think of this as an arrest list.

As Anna Paulina Luna told a Trump rally about Harris:

“320,000 children have gone missing under her watch as Border Czar! Don’t tell me you care about women and do not tell me you care about children!”

If you think Kamala is POTUS material, you live in a completely separate reality, totally absorbed in the matrix.

Jake Tapper asked Kamala’s Senior Adviser and former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms why Kamala isn’t doing more interviews. Her response: “She’s a very busy person.”

Now there are allegations she is getting help from the Iranians:

Iranian hackers sent sensitive information stolen from the Trump campaign to President Joe Biden’s campaign earlier this summer, U.S. investigators said Wednesday…The Iranians have also continued trying to leak “non-public” Trump campaign material to media organizations since June, the agencies said.

OK call me cynical but it looks like a Trump response to the Demonrats Russian influence hoax against him.

Of course, Trump still needs to fight hard because, according to Congressman Matt Gaetz, there are 5 assassination teams in the US specifically targeting him.

In a sign Trump is nonetheless gaining the upper hand, while everyone was distracted by the debate, Trumps Executive Order 13848 signed on Sept 12, 2018, regarding election interference was extended again on Monday by “Sleepy” Fake masked Biden.

This means whoever is playing the role of Biden is still working with the white hats. Maybe that is why the Demonrats have now decided to make Jill Biden the Commander in Chief.

As evidence the election interference EO is being taken seriously, a federal judge has ordered the founder of Dominion, the voting machine company, to give deposition evidence under oath to election integrity activists.

The takedown of KM-compromised leaders is also becoming visible in most Western-controlled countries.

In France, “The Bureau of the National Assembly has approved the procedure for removing Emmanuel Macron [Rothschild] from power,” the newspaper Le Parisien reported on Tuesday.

This comes as Macron’s disapproval rating has risen to 75%, a survey published by the French newspaper Journal du Dimanche on Saturday showed.—poll-1120245253.html

This may be why Macron is now apparently seeking Russian protection saying “We need to think about a new organization of Europe and then review our ties with Russia, and think about peace in this [European] continent,”

In the UK as well, the latest Opinion poll reveals that blackmailed pedophile Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s approval rating has suffered a huge 45-point drop since July to a net rating of -26%.

The German government of Olaf Sholz is also deeply unpopular because of a crashing economy. The number of medium and large companies in Germany that declared bankruptcy in the first half of this year increased by 41% compared to the same period last year, the Handelsblatt Daily reported.

In Japan MP Ryuhei Kawada held a press conference warning a replicon vaccine the Japanese government is expected to approve starting October 1st, will make vaccinated people able to contaminate the DNA of people they come into contact. “Compared to those who are unvaccinated, the mortality rate is 5X higher if you get vaccinated twice. We cannot continue these mRNA ‘vaccines’…” Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima warns.

Richard Koshimizu of the Japan Independence Party says the Japanese slave government is also planning to try to kill a large portion of the population through weaponized bird flu starting in October.

This prompted an emergency meeting between representatives of the Yamaguchi Gumi, the Sumiyoshi Rengo, Japanese military intelligence and US military white hats on September 18th. At the meeting it was decided to demand, with an October 1st deadline, the removal of the chief architects of this policy: fake US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel and Prince Hitachi.,_Prince_Hitachi

According to Japanese right-wing sources, Prince Hitachi says the government is planning to murder a large portion of the Japanese population because they have been ordered to reduce the population of Japan to 70 million from the current 125 million by the KM.

The participants in the meeting also agreed the current candidates to replace Prime Minister Fumio Kishida were all compromised slaves. Japanese Foreign Ministry sources confirm there is now a power vacuum and nobody knows who will be the next Prime Minister of Japan.

In Canada too, Justin Castrudeau is about to be booted out of power. He is facing a vote of no confidence in Parliament this week without the support of his former NDP allies.

The panicking Castrudeau is responding by screaming hysterically for a “Ukrainian victory” as if that has something to do with Canadian interests.

What it really means is he supports the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Polish intelligence informs us:

The first Prime Minister of Ukraine Witold Fokin describes a conversation with Zbigniew Brzezinski that took place in the early 1990s. Brzezinski is supposed to have said: “In 2030, there should be no more than 20 million inhabitants in Ukraine!” The population of Ukraine was 52 million at the time. It is now estimated to be about 18 million. This is an ongoing genocide by the KM.

Not for much longer. Oleksandr Dubinsky, a Member of the Ukrainian Parliament says Neo-Nazi junta frontman Vladimir Zelensky will soon “face a coup if he persists in banning national elections”.

Poland is also in dire straits. Polish intelligence say recent flooding in their country was “caused on purpose” and a previously prepared plan to ”help” Poles in the form of a loan is intended to allow German banks to buy out the land later in the event of non-repayment of the loan. This is part of an ongoing German plan to absorb Poland, they say. They provided us with the following evidence:

They also sent us this German TV documentary about weather manipulation.

The other KM stronghold of Israel is also in deep trouble and still desperately trying to provoke World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card.

Their latest attempt has been to start blowing up electronic devices:

BEIRUT, September 18. /TASS/. At least 300 people have been injured in a series of new explosions of wireless communication devices in Lebanon, bringing the death toll to nine, the country’s Health Ministry reported.

According to the Al Hadath TV channel, walkie-talkies, phones, as well as devices powered by solar and lithium-ion batteries exploded in different regions of the country. Wednesday’s incident came a day after the first series of pager explosions that killed 12 people and injured an estimated 2,800.

“This shocking demonstration showed the entire world that this can be done to anyone, anytime, anywhere within reach of a cell tower. They can do it,” a Mossad source says. I have received confirmation from my Israeli Mossad connection in NY. This was definitely a Mossad Op.

No wonder Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Israel acts as a terrorist organization, targeting being not only the Gaza Strip but the whole region.

The countries of the region know Israel and its’ KM controllers are desperately trying to start World War III so, instead of taking the bait, they are getting the entire planet to take collective action against this rogue state.

The International Criminal Court, for example, is filing criminal charges against Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant meaning they will be unable to travel to any of the 124 member countries of the ICC.

Also, instead of fighting for Israel, the Pentagon has withdrawn two naval groups from the Near East, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Abraham Lincoln. This comes as the Houthi Militia hit Tel Aviv with a hypersonic missile. Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor and others note the Houthis do not have such technology and are just a proxy for Russia.

French Journalist Thierry Meyssan writes “Mimicking the IDF’s behavior in Gaza, Ansar Allah issued a notice to the Israelis declaring that Tel Aviv is a “war zone” and that they must evacuate it to the Negev desert which they consider a “humanitarian zone.”

He continues: “We have learned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly visited Russia last week, for a few hours. The information was strictly censored by the IDF in Israel. His meeting with his former friend, President Vladimir Putin, did not go well.

The withdrawal of the US aircraft carriers indicates that Washington did not intend to get involved in the Russian-Israeli quarrel.

But the most important thing is elsewhere: Moscow had warned that it would respond to the United States, which is giving weapons to Ukraine to attack Russia, by also giving weapons to Washington’s enemies to strike it back. Ukraine has just hit a Russian gas pipeline with US weapons. In response, Yemen hit the Ashkelon-Eilat pipeline with the help of Russian satellite data.

Behind the scenes the Israelis have begun negotiating with the white hats for the replacement of Israel with a new nation-state of Judea that will include the native-born Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians), MI6 says.

Seeing it is about to lose control of its colonies of Israel, the US and the Ukraine, the KM is now circling its wagons around the UN.

In New York the UN is holding a Summit of the Future designed as a power grab being carried out without the consultation of governments around the world, Russia’s UN representative Dmitry Polyansky claims.

The WHO in Switzerland is also still working feverishly behind closed doors to impose their totalitarian control on the planet via the UN Pandemic Treaty, warns the CitizenGo group.

At the KM and UN-affiliated WEF annual meeting, the witch Ursula von der Leyen warns about the need to fight misinformation ie the truth.

“There are wars, hunger, misery, human slavery, pedophilia, people dying on the streets from drug and alcohol abuse, but according to these psychopaths our biggest issue is ‘misinformation’ aka free speech,” a CIA source comments.

Bill Gates -the de facto owner of the WHO- for his part calls for “vaccine misinformation” to be censored in real-time by AI. Welcome to 1984

This is the sort of “misinformation” (ie truth) he seeks to censor:

ACAM2000, a vaccine approved last month by the FDA for mpox, comes with a list of “serious complications,” including myocarditis, death and fetal death. The FDA’s medication guide also warns that people who receive the vaccine may spread it to unvaccinated people, who also risk developing vaccine side effects, including death.

The KM are also using vaccines to put nanoradios in people’s bloodstreams to turn people into human radios, Polish intelligence warns.

Meanwhile, the US military grey hat Elon Musk is scoring victories in his own information war by pushing his X platform.

In the EU, European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who pursued Elon Musk over content regulation on social media site platform X, has resigned from his role.

In Brazil the government has stopped banning X after huge fires blazed throughout the country, threatening the capital of Brazilia and the main city of Rio de Janeiro. While the official excuse for the fires is “climate change,” Brazilian authorities say most of the fires were set illegally.

Maybe it was just a coincidence but shortly after Brazil stopped banning X, the fires calmed down.

Finally this week, Russian FSB sources informed us a major KM DUMB in Argentina was taken out last week. This was shown by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 in the province of San Luis. The epicenter was 158 km northwest of the city of San Luis at a depth of 129 km. Here is a Google Earth shot of the epicenter showing what looks like a DUMB entrance:

As usual, there is a lot we cannot talk about for reasons of operational security but, if you look at the news, you can see the white hats are definitely gaining the upper hand. Expect more good news this week.


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