Ask Seek Knock | Kristiana Grace | Lyrics

5 months ago

This is one of the sweetest songs I had never heard until recently. This young lady has an angelic voice, singing a very basic, simple and yet powerful song about the commands of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

It is a wonderful reminder of the obedience and diligence required by us that will lead to eternal life in heaven with our Lord. It also speaks to what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt 6:33)


I've come to this place
To silence all the noise
My soul longs to see your face

My heart longs to hear your voice
The one the earth proclaims
As the one who holds it all
And I just want a taste
Oh won’t you let your spirit fall

You told me to seek
That's why I'm here
You told me to ask
So I will lift up this prayer

You told me to knock
I'll beat ‘till my knuckles are bruised
‘Cause you promised the door
Would be opened up to you

I've come to this place
To silence all the noise
My soul longs to see your face

My heart longs to hear your voice
The one the earth proclaims
As the one who holds it all
And I just want a taste
Oh won't you let your Spirit fall

You told me to seek
That’s why I’m here
You told me ask
So I will lift up this prayer

You told me to knock
I’ll beat ‘till my knuckles are bruised
‘Cause you promised the door
Would be opened up to you

When I call upon your name
You’ll deny me no good thing
And when I ask
You'll meet the need
‘Cause you're the God who gives perfectly

And when I call upon your name
You'll deny me no good thing
And when I ask
You'll meet the need
‘Cause you're the God who gives perfectly

You told me to seek
That's why I'm here
You told me to ask
So I will lift up this prayer

You told me to knock
I'll beat ‘till my knuckles are bruised
‘Cause you promised the door
Would be opened up to you

‘Cause you promised the door
Would be opened up to you


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (Matt 7:7)
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Matt 7:8)

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