The Sea Of Death © Original Song

5 months ago

A song that I wrote recently, copyrighted. Filmed and directed by the lovely and talented, Ms Cutter
1-The waters are dark and cold
And no one is never in a hurry to dip their toes
Into that sea of the unknown
The sea of death
The ship is constantly rocking from side to side
Tossed to and fro by the rough waters and the tide
Everyone holds on for as long as they can during this ride
Until it is time to take those steps
C-We all have to walk that plank
Regardless of our stature, regardless of our rank
We all have to walk that plank
2-when time forces us out onto that beam
It is not as stable as we had hoped or we had dreamed
As we thought everything else in life was now it seems
When we look back and remember
Unable to maintain our balance
We face the inevitable, sober and valiant
With an ever slow pace, no longer salient
Due to the weakness of the timber…

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