Experiencing our Wholeness by Gifting it Away - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

4 months ago

October 8 - Experiencing our Wholeness by Gifting it Away - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Today lets us practice accepting and experiencing our wholeness by gifting it away. Our wholeness encompasses the love, peace, and joy that is our true essence. As we gift what has been gifted to us, our gifts increase, not decrease. God/Source gift, our true essence, is as unlimited as He/She is. Thus when you express and give away the truth in you, you also get to experience it, keep it, and still watch it as it expands unto all you share it with, for we are One thus wholeness itself cannot be divided. The ego has tried to program into us the idea that giving is losing, thus limiting our ability to give and receive. Yet there is no interest we must pay on our inheritance. God’s gifts, our truth, the love, peace and joy that we are, will never lessen as we give them away. Would you like to know what is truly eternally yours? Then forever secure your Father/Mother’s inheritance by giving them all away.
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