
21 days ago

A past acquaintance made mention of a spiderweb when cackling with a plumber in the bathroom next door. I had this concept in mind when I was trying to put all the pieces of this persecutive puzzle together. Hence the name of the video.

I can't do this alone. I don't have all the facts - just the experiences and that which I dig deeper to find. But I am limited and so, I ask you to take this journey with me, if only for interests sake.

I've gone back and forth with recording this video, then I did so yesterday. Then I doubted that I should have it posted. But something is being done to my family right now and it has bigger implications. That was the moment I decided to post it. Truth sets free.

Disclaimer: The companies and organizations mentioned here are entities that involve a significant number of individuals. The purpose of this exercise is to unravel the people who may be involved using these organizations or their influence therein. It is not intended to bring reproach on the names of companies and organizations in and of themselves. It provides information and understanding of the framework or the environment n which certain activities and manifestos are able to exist.

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