Let Us Practice Creating The World We Want - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

2 months ago

October 7 - Let Us Practice Creating The World We Want - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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As unconscious as it may be, we’re in a constant state of creating the world we are experiencing. If we desire a kinder world, let us practice becoming examples of kindness. Today let us take that one extra step, no matter how small it may seem, to be kind. There are dozens of opportunities throughout our day, from offering a thoughtful compliment to a coworker or family member, to making that call we have been putting off, from opening the door for someone, to allowing another car into our lane. Pay attention and make a mental notes of the opportunities that are available to us, or when we miss an opportunity to be kind. Learn from those experiences so that we can be more aware next time such an opportunity presents itself. The more we practice and are consciously taking these extra steps - the more natural they will feel to us, until one day when they will simply become an honest and natural extension of who we truly are.
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