The Relationship Between Judgment and Time - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

5 months ago

October 4 - The Relationship Between Judgment and Time - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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When you feel like you’ve been hurt by another, and you can’t seem to stop thinking judgmental thoughts about them every time they cross your mind, practice restructuring your relationship with time, the past/present/future. The ego will keep on insisting that because of what they did to you in the past, they must be judged and punished for it in the present. Buying into this thought system, bringing the past into the present will only create a present and future like your past and thus you will never find true peace within the present moment because you’re never really in the present moment. Instead recall that you have been gifted the power of free will. Keep reminding yourself each and every time you bring the past into the present, that you are only hurting yourself by doing so. The key here is that “you” are doing this to yourself, “you” are choosing through free will to bring the past into the present and thus hold yourself captive to the past. Today let us start taking greater personal responsibility with our relationship to time by thinking and supporting forgiving thoughts that help us release the past, instead of thoughts of judgment that drag the past into the present.
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