6 months ago

Terek and Kuban Cossacks from Bars-11 and Bars-24 units in the liberated territories erect crosses in memory of their fallen brothers

On the great feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Cossack warriors erected new crosses in new regions of Russia.

Where our Cossack brothers shed blood, defended our Motherland, just as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers once drove out the fascists.

A symbol of the establishment of Orthodoxy, faith, and statehood on the liberated land.

We will not leave here for the cross.

If God is already judging, then let us lie down in front of the cross, defending it, moving forward.
With God's help.
These crosses give us hope and faith that the enemy will not pass here.
Victory will be ours, glory to God for everything!

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