10 ★ Thunder ★ Lightning ★

2 months ago

Cleanse ★ Purify ★ Energize ★ Revitalize ★ Empower ★ Renew ★ Regenerate ★ Refresh ★ Uplift
Let nature's awesome power and majesty symbolically cleanse and purify your soul as the rain lashes down. Every time the Heavens thunder, crash and rumble, breathe in...and with each inhalation, allow yourself to naturally recharge, energize and revitalize your mind, body and soul with the electrifying power of the storm.
Let the awe and majesty of mother nature uplift your mind and empower you.
Tired? Anxious? Stressed? Surrender to Mother Natures Healing and cleansing touch, letting her wash away all your worries and fears, leaving you feeling Renewed, Refreshed, and full of vitality.

Suffer from insomnia or a painful condition that makes sleep difficult? Many sufferers find relief listening to the sounds of the rain, or 174Hz Solfeggio. Check out our sleep playlists. I will be making an 11 hour sleep playlist specially for pain sufferers within the next year

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