Britains 3000 Years of Israelite Heritage / Jesus and His Uncle Joseph of Arimathea

8 days ago

Why did Joseph of Arimathea and the boy Jesus come to Britain?

This video was recorded back in the 1970'S/80'S by COVENANT PUBLISHING CO. LTD.

The film reveals evidences of Joseph of Arimathea and friends travelling to Cornwall and Somerset.

So asked William Blake in his immortal hymn "Jerusalem" - "And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England's mountains green?"

Did Jesus visit the West of England during his unrecorded youth is an open question but there is too much EVIDENCE for this story to be dismissed lightly. Trade for example: Joseph's export of tin from Cornwall, and copper & lead from Somerset, is significant. In addition, there are the twelve tax exempt Hides of land granted to Joseph and his companions when they came to England in 36AD and recorded in the DOMESDAY Book a thousand years later. The Glastonbury Thorn , old manuscripts and the most ancient site of Glastonbury Abbey all bear telling testimony that may well silence the sceptic.

The aim of "Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd and its films, is to state and expound the fundamental tenets of the CHRISTIAN FAITH, and to trace the course of its development through the ages, paying particular attention to the neglected years of the early centuries.
A fresh approach to these ages-old TRUTHS has evoked an inquiring response to these things and a desire to reflect and converse about their revelance to our daily lives. This Faith has been the mainspring of ALL that is best in this country's history, but equally important for each of us is the opportunity that such reflection brings to relate these simple truths to the complex problems that LIFE presents to ALL of US.

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