Self-Doubt - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

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October 2 - Self-Doubt - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Doubting yourself or your journey is an act of self-deception. It is a sign that you have forgotten that you co-designed your journey with the Divine. When you remember that your journey is a sacred co-creation with God, you will trust that each step is serving your highest good. You will recall that each step is in your life to help you grow, heal and awaken. To doubt your journey is to doubt the Divine. You will not obtain true, lasting peace of mind if you are unconsciously judging the Divine as incompetent and wrong. Still, do not be hard on yourself, for your natural inclination is to align with your loving Source. Today, if doubt arises, simply stop that line of thinking and consciously unite with Love, your Creator. Align with the expressions of Love that the moment seems to be requesting. Then trust that you are doing exactly what you have come here to do.

Today, let us no longer allow the feeling of doubt to continue to corrupt us. Our Source is God, not the ego, whose tool is doubt. Our journey is a sacred co-creation with the Divine. Thus we cannot fail to accomplish what we have come here to do. We cannot fail to accomplish what God has created us to do. Today, recall that the ego, placing itself in opposition to God, to All, cannot exist in truth. If it does not exist, then none of its concepts are real or true. Today, let us decide to no longer buy into lies as true. Doubt does not belong within us, within Love’s creation — only certainty does. Certainty, being an aspect of Love, is our inheritance. Certainty, not doubt, is the energy that aligns us with our mission in life. Today, let us align with only the truth in us and laugh away the ego’s delusional concept of self-doubt.
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