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Proverbs 22:3 New King James Version
3 A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself,
But the simple pass on and are punished.

I have to say guys, that if ever a passage of scripture that I have read was needed, this morning's passage was it! As you guys can probably see, we are living in a world filled with individuals who are living examples of Psalm 14:1, who are recklessly, carelessly, foolishly, and intentionally thumbing their noses at God, mocking Him at every turn, and they purposely have next to no regard for not only wisdom, but for others. I think that's why this question from this morning's devotional, have thinking very deeply on this issue, and I'd like to share this question with you tonight. Please read these questions carefully, and I pray that God speaks to your heart through them.

Where have you seen reckless living?

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from his word on this issue, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you, will challenge your heart when it comes to practicing God's wisdom, living with righteousness, honor, and integrity, in the midst of a foolish, careless, and reckless world. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn how to live with wisdom in a reckless, careless, and foolish world! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with this last question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it will challenge
your heart to not want to live recklessly.

How can you avoid living recklessly?

I also want to leave you with something I said a couple years ago that I think still applies to today, and I pray that you not only think about it, but act on it. I pray that You will take the time to think about what I have said in this vlog, and that you will ask God to give you the wisdom that you need to make decisions that are honoring to Him. Ask God to help you slow down to listen and think about what you were doing, so that you're not carried away by any rash emotions, half-baked ideas, or even worse, allowing Satan to have a foothold in your heart, to cause you to sin. Remember guys, we are living in a world that hates God, and everything that he stands for, so we need to learn to ask questions about the things that we are hearing, being taught, or being influenced by, and compare these things to God's word. Let us be like Bereans, being prudent, and looking to the scriptures for what we need. Seek God's wisdom and the choices and decisions that we make today, so we can avoid saying and doing foolish, reckless, careless, and regretful things.



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