Episode 60: Non-Conformity

20 days ago

Are You Enslaved?
It’s a fact that the vast majority of peoples are here to conform. This discourse is not for them, Rather, it is for the ‘rogue’ or ‘errant’, the blessed living soul who knows that he is not here to comply with the lies and deceptions spun out by each and every public institution at the behest of the false ‘god’ (the demiurge) that runs the shit-show.
The various parables of the archetype known as ‘Jesus’ resonate with each rogue that comes into contact with them: whilst they may be fictions, they contain the unassailable truth, namely that we are

“In this world but not of it.”

In Romans 12:2, it states most plainly that the individual should not conform to the diktats and enslavement of the demiurge,

“And do not follow the customs of the present age, but be transformed by the entire renewal of your minds, so that you may learn by experience what God's will is--that will which is good and beautiful and perfect.” Source: Weymouth New Testament

To accept the gross materiality of the realm necessitates compliance with the rules and obligations of a false legal system. It is a trap and the blessed soul knows instinctively that he will not obey them and that, if he does, he is caught in a contract with what some may call Lucifer, or Jahweh, or Satan or the Devil - it goes by many names.

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