3 months ago

Before some of you were born the Seeds of Communism and Despotism in these Great United States of America were beginning to take root in the 60's and 70's but the biggest and boldest attempts to strip away our Constitutional Freedoms came in the form of confiscation and appropriation of private property of rural Farming Communities in the North East and else where in the U.S. during the early to mid 1980's by the International Communist Jew Banking Cartels. They were met with fierce resentment and resistance by many in the White Nationalist, hence the White Resistance Movements of the times. Many of you who are watching this are under the illusion that today's Political and Social problems are a new development, the sad fact of reality is that it is the end result of the events that have taken place over the past half century, events that have shaped our country into a formless Multi-Cultural, Racially Divers, Sexual Deviant and Perverse, Politically, Judicially, Executively, Legislatively, Socially and Religiously Corrupt Nation. The Leaders of that era it's sad to say are nearly all gone, the best of them was James Wickstrom, who met the Legions of Satan head on in those times and all the way up to his death in 2018, Jim never surrendered and never betrayed his country or his race. The torch is still burning, who will bear it next?

For more insight into the contents of this "mocumentary" please watch Jim's Lecture on "Land Value and Banking"

This was a propaganda hit piece by Jewarldo(Geraldo) Rivera to discredit, malign and vilify the White Nationalist Resistance Movement in the 1980's and I'm showing it to you so you can see that Journalism in News Reporting was just as biased back then as it today. There is nothing new under the sun.

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