Forgiveness Is an Act of Love and Self-Love - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

5 hours ago

August 11 - Forgiveness Is an Act of Love and Self-Love - a daily inspiration
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When we forgive a sister, we remind her that her body’s temporal thoughts, words or actions do not represent her eternal, loving and light-filled soul. The body is a temporal communication device for the soul. In every moment, we have the choice to align with the temporal or the eternal. The temporal is what the ego has programmed us to think that we are, the dust that returns to dust. The eternal in us is the loving essence of God. We are here on Earth to represent and share the eternal. To properly represent and share the eternal, we need to forgive or overlook the judgment-centered, fear-based games that the ego plays within its false concept of time. To represent Love, we forgive people’s programming and fairy tales, and instead focus on the love that represents the eternal truth within them.

Today, let us offer deep and sincere gratitude to those who are giving us the opportunities to practice forgiveness. When we forgive those who the ego demands we judge, we put into place the building blocks that will help us create the world we came here to experience, and that one day, our children will inherit. Today, through our choice to forgive, we represent the heavenly state of mind and reject a hell of our own making. It will be the seeds we plant today that become the source of sustenance for our children tomorrow. Today, with forgiveness as our companion, let us see all of God’s children through the lens of mercy and grace. Remember that each person we think of or meet is God’s child that He is entrusting with us. Now, aligned with the loving mind of God, all we need to do is to look upon them as God sees us. Today, we forgive our brothers and sisters for their trespasses, as God has forgiven ours. In doing so, we experience ourselves and this world with the heavenly state of mind that God created for us to share and enjoy.
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