Blindspot 128 Russia revised nuclear doctrine. Mind-war via neural nano-bots. Lebanon IS next Gaza!

5 months ago

Blindspot 128 Russia’s revised nuclear doctrine. Mind-war via neural nano-bots. Lebanon IS the next Gaza, as Erdogan @ UN says - just like Hitler was stopped, Netanyahu must be stopped!

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

In this Blindspot we want to trace some of the outer limits, the extremes, that are seemingly becoming ‘the norm’ in this simulated reality. For a long time we have been following manifestations such as cognitive warfare for example. In our ongoing research we came upon the work of James Giordano, who takes us into the proverbial depths of nano-bots, neural-machine interfacing, electronic warfare, the cyborg, and biotech interfaces. The latter constitutes, by now, as we know, fundamental elements of 21st century warfare.

While we explore those depths we will also look into the physical battlefields of the now, where AI, drones, hypersonic weapons, super advanced aerial defence systems, human soldiers, and AI targeting systems intersect.

Welcome to Planet Perpetual War.

But, something else interesting to throw in the mix. In the past weeks we have been doing some research on the famous novel, 1984. We got reminded of Eurasia, because the global scenario in which 1984 unfolds speaks of a world at war, with the primary ‘enemy’ being ‘Eurasia’ - we find that interesting, because as Blindspot we have on numerous occasions covered the rise of Eurasia in the thick of Cold War 2.0 and the hot wars it is fomenting.

In the film 1984, following on a nuclear war, the world was divided into three police states, being: Oceania, Eurasia, and East Asia. Nuclear weapons were banned, but, a permanent state of war was perpetuated between the three police states, to enable their ruling elites to control the masses of their population through fear.


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