The Cross is The Key to Heaven | መስቀል የገነት ቁልፍ ነው

5 months ago

♱ Today, we Ethiopian Orthodox Christians celebrate The Feast Day which marks the discovery of The True Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The discovery of this revered relic within Christianity can be traced back to the fourth (4th) century when the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Queen Helena received divine guidance to its location.
According to legend, Queen Helena, now canonized, had a dream. In the dream, she was told to make a bonfire from which the smoke would show her the location where the True Cross of Jesus was buried.

After doing as she was instructed and the bonfire lit, the smoke rose high up to the sky and returned to the ground, exactly where the Cross had been buried. Thus began the yearly celebration of the discovery.

According to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the discovery of the True Cross is traditionally believed to have been in March, but Meskel was moved to September to avoid holding a festival during Lent, and because the church commemorating the True Cross in Jerusalem was dedicated during September.

❖❖❖[Galatians 6:14]❖❖❖
“But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which[a] the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”

✞The T or CROSS is quadruple 7s. The 7s underneath the intersection of the cross is a lot bigger. The pull down into heLL (77) is definitely bigger than the small 7s (7up) on top pulling you into heaven.

The letter X (Cross) is the only other letter that is also a quadruple 7, it also has an up and down arrow denoting the 49 degrees both ways.

98 degrees average human body.

When you unfold a cube it becomes a cross. A cube has 6 sides and 8 corners or 68/98.

The T or the cross is the most important letter which also exposes the dark enemies of The Cross – and Antichrist Turkey.


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