Day 12 of 90 in 90. The Lifting Fog

5 months ago

Welcome to day 12 of 90 in 90. Today we will discuss the fog that is slowly lifting.

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Lets begin, Higher Power, grant me the clarity to see things as they are and the patience to trust in Your timing. Help me stay calm as I walk through uncertainty, knowing that clarity will come with time. Guide me with peace as I move forward, from one moment to the next.

"The fog is lifting" is a powerful metaphor for what happens in recovery. For so long, addiction clouds my mind, distorts my thoughts, and makes it hard to see the truth clearly. It keeps me stuck in confusion, denial, and pain. But as I choose recovery and stay committed to the process, that fog begins to lift.

Suddenly, the things I couldn’t understand, or face before, become clearer. I start to see myself, my relationships, and my life in a new light. With the fog lifting, I can begin to see more clearly, to make better decisions, feel more connected, and find hope where there was none. It’s a gradual process, but with each day in recovery, the world comes into a sharper focus, and I begin to live more fully, with purpose and clarity.

The time it takes for the fog to lift in recovery varies for everyone. In the beginning, everything might feel blurry or overwhelming as I step out of addiction’s grip. It’s important to remember that this mental and emotional fog didn’t settle overnight, and it won’t disappear instantly either.

For some, it can take weeks or months to start feeling clear-headed and grounded again. As I stay clean, work the steps, and build healthy habits, the fog slowly begins to lift. Patience is key—every day brings small moments of clarity, and over time, I notice the difference. The fog will lift as I continue on the path, and with it, I’ll regain the clarity, peace, and connection I’ve been missing

While it may be frustrating, the faint memories of events, that may or may not have even happened; it is imperative that we give ourselves permission to be just where we are, knowing, that our memory and perspective will get better as time passes.
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